#define DIALOG_QUIZ 5550
#define DIALOG_QUIZ1 5551
#define DIALOG_QUIZ2 5552
#define DIALOG_QUIZ3 5553
#define DIALOG_QUIZ4 5554
new QuizAnswers[MAX_PLAYERS];
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_QUIZ,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What does RP stands for?"," Real Pussy \n Role Play \n Real Money","Select","Leave Game");
// It will show him the first question from the quiz, he have to choose from those 3 answers
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"You will have to pass through a quiz"); // Added -1 color as default.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_QUIZ,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What does RP stands for?"," Real Pussy \n Role Play \n Real Money","Select","Leave Game");
QuizAnswers[playerid] = 0; // We set the player quiz answers to 0 when he connects.
return 1;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(dialogid == DIALOG_QUIZ) // If first dialog shows up
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); // If he click "Leave Game" he will be kicked.
if(response) // If he click first button
if(listitem == 0) // If he choose first answer, wich is: Real Pussy
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_QUIZ1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"It is LOL a frequently used word in role play server?"," Yes \n No, it's a NON-RP word \n LOL I like this word!","Select","Leave Game");
// Second question will show up
if(listitem == 1) // If he choose 2nd answers, which is: Role Play (correct one)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"That's the correct answer"); // He will get a message that he answered correct
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_QUIZ1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"It is LOL a frequently used word in role play server?"," Yes \n No, it's a NON-RP word \n LOL I like this word!","Select","Leave Game");
// Second question will show up
if(listitem == 2)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_QUIZ1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"It is LOL a frequently used word in role play server?"," Yes \n No, it's a NON-RP word \n LOL I like this word!","Select","Leave Game");
// Second question will show up
if(dialogid == DIALOG_QUIZ1) // If second dialog shows up
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); // If he press second button he get kicked
if(response) // If he press first button
if(listitem == 0) // If he choose first answer wich is: Yes
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Which /me is used correct?"," /me laughs \n /me rofl \n /me wtf","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
if(listitem == 1) // If he choose first answer wich is: No, it's a NON-RP word (correct one)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"That's the correct answer"); // He will get a message that he answered correct
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Which /me is used correct?"," /me laughs \n /me rofl \n /me wtf","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
if(listitem == 2)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Which /me is used correct?"," /me laughs \n /me rofl \n /me wtf","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
if(dialogid == DIALOG_QUIZ2) // If 3rd dialog shows up
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); // If he click second button he get kicked
if(response) // If he click first button
if(listitem == 0) // If he choose first answer wich is: /me laugs (correct one)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"That's the correct answer");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ3, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What IC stands for?"," Information Centre \n In Character \n I'm Cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
if(listitem == 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ3, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What IC stands for?"," Information Centre \n In Character \n I'm Cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
if(listitem == 2)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ3, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What IC stands for?"," Information Centre \n In Character \n I'm Cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
if(QuizAnswers[playerid] >= 3) // If he reached 3 wrong answers
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Sorry mate, you answered 3 times wrong.Maybe another time");
Kick(playerid); // He will be kicked
if(dialogid == DIALOG_QUIZ3) // If 4rd dialog shows up
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); // If he click second button he get kicked
if(response) // If he click first button
if(listitem == 0) // If he choose first answer wich is: Information Centre
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ4, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What OOC stands for?"," Out of Chat \n Out of Character \n Ow ow cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
if(listitem == 1) // If he choose first answer wich is: In Character (correct one)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"That's the correct answer!");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ4, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What OOC stands for?"," Out of Chat \n Out of Character \n Ow ow cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
if(listitem == 2) // If he choose first answer wich is: I'm Cool
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ4, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What OOC stands for?"," Out of Chat \n Out of Character \n Ow ow cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
if(QuizAnswers[playerid] >= 3) // If he reached 3 wrong answers or more
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Sorry mate, you answered 3 times wrong.Maybe another time");
Kick(playerid); // He will be kicked
if(dialogid == DIALOG_QUIZ4)
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); // If he click second button he get kicked
if(response) // If he click first button
if(listitem == 0) // If he choose first answers wich is: Out of Chat
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
if(listitem == 1) // If he choose second answers wich is: Out of Character (correct one)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"That's the correct answer");
if(listitem == 2) // If he choose 3rd answer wich is: Ow ow cool
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
if(QuizAnswers[playerid] >= 3) // If he reached 3 wrong answers or more
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Sorry mate, you answered 3 times wrong.Maybe another time");
Kick(playerid); // He will be kicked
else // If he didn't have at least 3 wrong answers
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Congratulations, you have passed the RP quiz!");
// After the quiz is finish,the player will be spawned, you can change here.
return 1;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
case DIALOG_QUIZ: // If first dialog shows up
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); // If he click "Leave Game" he will be kicked.
if(response) // If he click first button
switch(listitem) // We switch the available answers
case 0:// If he choose first answer, wich is: Real Pussy
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_QUIZ1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"It is LOL a frequently used word in role play server?"," Yes \n No, it's a NON-RP word \n LOL I like this word!","Select","Leave Game");
// Second question will show up
case 1: // If he choose 2nd answers, which is: Role Play (correct one)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"That's the correct answer"); // He will get a message that he answered correct
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_QUIZ1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"It is LOL a frequently used word in role play server?"," Yes \n No, it's a NON-RP word \n LOL I like this word!","Select","Leave Game");
// Second question will show up
case 2:
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_QUIZ1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"It is LOL a frequently used word in role play server?"," Yes \n No, it's a NON-RP word \n LOL I like this word!","Select","Leave Game");
// Second question will show up
case DIALOG_QUIZ1: // If second dialog shows up
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); // If he press second button he get kicked
if(response) // If he press first button
switch(listitem) // We switch the available answers
case 0: // If he choose first answer wich is: Yes
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Which /me is used correct?"," /me laughs \n /me rofl \n /me wtf","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
case 1: // If he choose first answer wich is: No, it's a NON-RP word (correct one)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"That's the correct answer"); // He will get a message that he answered correct
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Which /me is used correct?"," /me laughs \n /me rofl \n /me wtf","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
case 2:
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Which /me is used correct?"," /me laughs \n /me rofl \n /me wtf","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
case DIALOG_QUIZ2: // If 3rd dialog shows up
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); // If he click second button he get kicked
if(response) // If he click first button
switch(listitem) // We switch the available answers
case 0: // If he choose first answer wich is: /me laugs (correct one)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"That's the correct answer");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ3, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What IC stands for?"," Information Centre \n In Character \n I'm Cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
case 1:
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ3, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What IC stands for?"," Information Centre \n In Character \n I'm Cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
case 2:
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ3, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What IC stands for?"," Information Centre \n In Character \n I'm Cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
if(QuizAnswers[playerid] >= 3) // If he reached 3 wrong answers
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Sorry mate, you answered 3 times wrong.Maybe another time");
Kick(playerid); // He will be kicked
case DIALOG_QUIZ3: // If 4rd dialog shows up
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); // If he click second button he get kicked
if(response) // If he click first button
switch(listitem) // We switch the available answers
case 0: // If he choose first answer wich is: Information Centre
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ4, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What OOC stands for?"," Out of Chat \n Out of Character \n Ow ow cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
case 1: // If he choose first answer wich is: In Character (correct one)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"That's the correct answer!");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ4, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What OOC stands for?"," Out of Chat \n Out of Character \n Ow ow cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
case 2: // If he choose first answer wich is: I'm Cool
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_QUIZ4, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"What OOC stands for?"," Out of Chat \n Out of Character \n Ow ow cool","Select","Leave Game");
// Next dialog will show up
if(QuizAnswers[playerid] >= 3) // If he reached 3 wrong answers or more
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Sorry mate, you answered 3 times wrong.Maybe another time");
Kick(playerid); // He will be kicked
case DIALOG_QUIZ4: // If 5 dialog shows up
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); // If he click second button he get kicked
if(response) // If he click first button
switch(listitem) // We switch the available answers
case 0: // If he choose first answers wich is: Out of Chat
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
case 1: // If he choose second answers wich is: Out of Character (correct one)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"That's the correct answer");
case 2: // If he choose 3rd answer wich is: Ow ow cool
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Wrong answer!"); // He will get a message that he answered wrong
QuizAnswers[playerid] += 1; // His quiz answers will be increased with 1 point.
if(QuizAnswers[playerid] >= 3) // If he reached 3 wrong answers or more
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Sorry mate, you answered 3 times wrong.Maybe another time");
Kick(playerid); // He will be kicked
else // If he didn't have at least 3 wrong answers
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Congratulations, you have passed the RP quiz!");
// After the quiz is finish,the player will be spawned, you can change here.
return 1;
"How to make your RP server look like 4000+ RP servers" would be a better title.
"How to make your RP server look like 4000+ RP servers" would be a better title.
"How to make your RP server look like 4000+ RP servers" would be a better title.
"How to make your RP server look like 4000+ RP servers" would be a better title.
"How to make your RP server look like 4000+ RP servers" would be a better title.
Nice tutorial but I think that quiz is in all the servers..
good for begginers |
"How to make your RP server look like 4000+ RP servers" would be a better title.
You don't "think" you just read what linuxthefish said, and saw Kush and FireCat agreeing.
May you stop saying agreed like all the others are ?, He tried to help you guys, I highly doubt you even know what this is about. |
Stop spamming the guy's thread, unless you have something useful to say -.-
Go troll somewhere else, I hate arguing with Immature, and disrespectful people like you.