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/kill Call onplayerdeath - Printable Version

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/kill Call onplayerdeath - [DK]Dark_Knight - 16.09.2011

Title pretty much explains it

When someone types /kill
how do i make it call OnPlayerDeath
as its not atm


Re: /kill Call onplayerdeath - Tee - 16.09.2011

It always calls it, maybe you want it to send the death message?

OnPlayerDeath means (to me) once the player dies. So if /kill sets the health to less than 1 then the player dies, so it's then called.

Re: /kill Call onplayerdeath - [DK]Dark_Knight - 16.09.2011

Thats what i thought, but its not showing the deathmessage, or sending client a message :/

Which is what i have in OnPlayerDeath

Re: /kill Call onplayerdeath - Tee - 16.09.2011

Under OnPlayerDeath, add this:

pawn Код:
SendDeathMessage(killerid, playerid, reason);

Re: /kill Call onplayerdeath - [DK]Dark_Knight - 16.09.2011

Originally Posted by Tee
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Under OnPlayerDeath, add this:

pawn Код:
SendDeathMessage(killerid, playerid, reason);
Its there, but its not showing a death message when i type /kill :/

Re: /kill Call onplayerdeath - RelaxCafe - 16.09.2011

Hmm, this used to happen to me too. Try putting the death message in front of any code at onplayerdeath.

Re: /kill Call onplayerdeath - [DK]Dark_Knight - 17.09.2011

Worked TYVM