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Some nostalgy - Printable Version

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Some nostalgy - Diablosrouge - 16.09.2011

Re: Some nostalgy - xRk - 16.09.2011

From when is that?

Re: Some nostalgy - Danny - 16.09.2011

Originally Posted by Alphazor
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From when is that?
There was a date on the first webpage, i believe it was Dec 2007.

Lol, the forums looks like shit xD

Re: Some nostalgy - Hiddos - 16.09.2011

I think it got removed due to incidents between clans on the forum. I'm not sure though as I wasn't around, but looking at the average forum user..

Re: Some nostalgy - Karlip - 16.09.2011

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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I think it got removed due to incidents between clans on the forum. I'm not sure though as I wasn't around, but looking at the average forum user..
If I remember right, it was removed mainly cause of the wars/flame wars, you're right.

Ah, I still remember being happy seeing the 0.2 preview, some time later I also registered. Good times.

saucehelmet's video, 4 years ago. Look at the comments too, nice.


Re: Some nostalgy - MaTrIx4057 - 16.09.2011

It was removed due to people flaming way too much on other gang topics.

Re: Some nostalgy - Macluawn - 16.09.2011

Originally Posted by Kye
I'd also like to thank the Multi Theft Auto team
This is a bit funny.

Re: Some nostalgy - Double-O-Seven - 16.09.2011

Norton blocks the page... what's wrong?

Re: Some nostalgy - bob_dillan - 16.09.2011

Originally Posted by Double-O-Seven
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Norton blocks the page... what's wrong?
Norton is what's wrong. No, Wayback Machine is a perfectly ok site, it might just be a case of adding the site to Nortons exceptions or the variant.

Re: Some nostalgy - [HiC]TheKiller - 16.09.2011

That's the sa-mp 0.1 beta test .