Display dialog problem. -
Jack_Leslie - 14.09.2011
Hey guys.
So I have a problem, my dialog isn't showing. it's a list styled dialog, and listitem 1 and above shows, but listitem 0 doesn't. Here's my code:
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == 27) //buy clothes
if(listitem == 0) DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, 77);
if(listitem == 1) DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, 29);
if(listitem == 2)
new biz = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelmet] = 18645;
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~-$200", 5000, 1);
BizInfo[biz][bTill] += 200;
BizInfo[biz][bProducts] -= 1;
PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052,0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "* Helmet purchased, use /helmet to put it on.");
And the reason it's "DisplayDialogForPlayer" is because there's a public function, and so it's actually:
pawn Код:
case 27:
Like I said, listitem 1 and above works, but 0 doesn't :S
Re: Display dialog problem. -
Michael@Belgium - 14.09.2011
Hmm: try this:
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == 27) //buy clothes
if(listitem == 1) DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, 77);
if(listitem == 2) DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, 29);
if(listitem == 3)
new biz = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelmet] = 18645;
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~-$200", 5000, 1);
BizInfo[biz][bTill] += 200;
BizInfo[biz][bProducts] -= 1;
PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052,0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "* Helmet purchased, use /helmet to put it on.");
Re: Display dialog problem. -
[MWR]Blood - 14.09.2011
Make sure you aren't using the 77 for anything else.
Re: Display dialog problem. -
Jack_Leslie - 14.09.2011
Originally Posted by Michael@Belgium
Hmm: try this:
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == 27) //buy clothes { if(response) { if(listitem == 1) DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, 77); if(listitem == 2) DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, 29); if(listitem == 3) { new biz = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid); PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelmet] = 18645; GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~-$200", 5000, 1); GiveMoney(playerid,-200); BizInfo[biz][bTill] += 200; BizInfo[biz][bProducts] -= 1; PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052,0.0, 0.0, 0.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "* Helmet purchased, use /helmet to put it on."); } } }
Nah, that won't work.. it'll display the next one from what I selected.
Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm not
Re: Display dialog problem. -
[MWR]Blood - 14.09.2011
Try this one.
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == 27) //buy clothes
if(!response) return 0;
if(listitem == 0)
DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, 77);
if(listitem == 1)
DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, 29);
if(listitem == 2)
new biz = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelmet] = 18645;
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~-$200", 5000, 1);
BizInfo[biz][bTill] += 200;
BizInfo[biz][bProducts] -= 1;
PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052,0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "* Helmet purchased, use /helmet to put it on.");
Re: Display dialog problem. -
Jack_Leslie - 14.09.2011
Originally Posted by [MWR]Blood
Try this one.
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == 27) //buy clothes { if(!response) return 0; if(listitem == 0) { DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, 77); } if(listitem == 1) { DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, 29); } if(listitem == 2) { new biz = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid); PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelmet] = 18645; GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~-$200", 5000, 1); GiveMoney(playerid,-200); BizInfo[biz][bTill] += 200; BizInfo[biz][bProducts] -= 1; PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052,0.0, 0.0, 0.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "* Helmet purchased, use /helmet to put it on."); } }
Didn't make a difference, hmm... here's the code for showing the dialog when the users chooses listitem 0:
pawn Код:
case 77:
new biz = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s",BizInfo[biz][bName]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,77,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,string,"Type the skin ID you want below (costs $500):","Buy","Cancel");