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SA:MP Irc. - Printable Version

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SA:MP Irc. - Danny - 10.09.2011


I want to connect to the SAMP forums IRC channel. But, i don't know anything about IRC.
I cannot find any howto on this forum. Can someone explain me how to connect to the SAMP channel? (or how it's called)


Re: SA:MP Irc. - Vince - 10.09.2011

You need an IRC client, like mIRC ( or you can use a Java IRC applet like
To connect to the server, do the command /server in the status window. When you have connected, do the command /join #sa-mp and/or /join #sa-mp.scripting to join the channels.

Re: SA:MP Irc. - Danny - 10.09.2011

Thanks, i'm connected