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[Include] Stocks - Printable Version

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Stocks - Darnell - 10.09.2011


This include, has a few stocks, not pretty much usefull, but maybe they are for beginners.
I will not update it unless I get suggestions to add / update.

pawn Код:
// Countdown natives
native CreateCountdown(time, sound);
native CreatePlayerCountdown(playerid, time, sound);
native StopCountdown();
native StopPlayerCountdown(playerid);
// Pocket money natives
native EnablePocketMoney(amount, frequency);
native DisablePocketMoney();
native SetPocketMoneyAmount(amount);
native SetPocketMoneyFrequency(frequency);
native TogglePocketMoneyMessage(toggle);
// Random spawn natives
native AddSpawnPos(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Angle, Interior, VirtualWorld);
native RandomSpawnPlayer(playerid);
// Other random natives
native SkydivePlayer(playerid, hight);
native Cardive(carid, hight);
native FlipCar(carid);
native ResprayCar(carid);
native SavePlayerPos(playerid);
native LoadPlayerPos(playerid);
// Get team player number native
GetPlayersInTeamFromMaxPlayers(teamid); //( NEW ! [ v1.1] )

Re: Stocks - Speed - 10.09.2011

i gonna use it ty for this

Re: Stocks - Darnell - 10.09.2011

No problem .

Re: Stocks - Kaperstone - 10.09.2011

thanks,will use

Re: Stocks - Darnell - 10.09.2011

No problem, thank you.

Re: Stocks - wups - 10.09.2011

new id =AddSpawnPos(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Angle, Interior, VirtualWorld);
native SpawnPlayerEx(playerid,id);

Re: Stocks - Darnell - 10.09.2011

Originally Posted by wups
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new id =AddSpawnPos(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Angle, Interior, VirtualWorld);
native SpawnPlayerEx(playerid,id);
What do you mean, SpawnPlayerEx ? like, /sendto[ls/sf/lv] for example, or TP ID to ID ?

Re: Stocks - Kaperstone - 10.09.2011


Re: Stocks - wups - 10.09.2011

Originally Posted by xkirill
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read before you post a reply:
Lol what? It says "it will not update UNLESS he gets suggestions."

Re: Stocks - Darnell - 10.09.2011

Originally Posted by wups
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Lol what? It says "it will not update UNLESS he gets suggestions."
Explain what you ment on SpawnPlayerEx, didn't really understand it.
Thanks everyone above though.