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Help me please i need help - Printable Version

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Help me please i need help - PirOwaisQureshi - 10.09.2011

Hi i just hosted my samp server from
and than i server properties from filezilla and than i edited the server.cfg
and when i run the server it doesn't detect server.cfg
it starts Grand Larency
Please help me i'll be very thanfull

Re: Help me please i need help - =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 10.09.2011

Mind showing us the server.cfg ?

Re: Help me please i need help - PirOwaisQureshi - 10.09.2011

echo Executing Server Config...

lanmode 0


maxplayers 30

port 9600

hostname Pirs server []

gamemode0 grandlarc 1

filterscripts base gl_actions gl_property gl_realtime

announce 0

query 1


maxnpc 0

onfoot_rate 40

incar_rate 40

weapon_rate 40

stream_distance 300.0

stream_rate 1000

Re: Help me please i need help - Ironboy500[TW] - 10.09.2011

"gamemode0 grandlarc 1".

That's why it's running Grandlarc as gamemode when u start server.

Re: Help me please i need help - PirOwaisQureshi - 10.09.2011

if this the case than i also edited the name
why server's not loading the name?

Re: Help me please i need help - Ironboy500[TW] - 10.09.2011

Make sure you edited file and saved in on filezilla. Also, make sure you are starting server by clicking "Start Server" in control panel.

Re: Help me please i need help - =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 10.09.2011

You are using grandlarc.. So, change the name to your gamemode, and it won't load the name, unless you restart your server.

Re: Help me please i need help - PirOwaisQureshi - 10.09.2011

How to save files on filezilla

Re: Help me please i need help - PirOwaisQureshi - 11.09.2011

Now i just saved files to filezilla and also made it sure that server's start but in samp server's just saying retrieving date please help me!

Re: Help me please i need help - Svenko - 11.09.2011

announce 1