2D text- CALLBACK - Printable Version
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2D text- CALLBACK -
SourceCode - 09.09.2011
Whats the callback to create 2d Text, Like you can place that text at any 3d pos but its still not 3dtext, It looks 3d, I saw this somewhere how to do it?
Re: 2D text- CALLBACK -
JaTochNietDan - 09.09.2011
You mean this
Re: 2D text- CALLBACK -
SourceCode - 09.09.2011
Nope i said its not exactly 3d but its 2d, It is opaque and no transparency
Re: 2D text- CALLBACK -
Kingunit - 09.09.2011
About opaque and transpereancy you need to edit the color code I think. Or I'm mis-undestanding you.