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[Include] Compatible Upgrades Function's - Printable Version

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Compatible Upgrades Function's - AirKite - 08.09.2011

Compatible Upgrades Function's
Version: 1.2
[v:1.0 ] [07.09.2011] - First release. (Name: GetVehicleCompatibleUpgrades, IncFileName:
[v:1.1 ] [08.09.2011] - Include renamed (Name: Compatible Upgrades Function's, IncFileName:
[v:1.1 ] [08.09.2011] - Added new function (IsVehicleUpgradeCompatible).
[v:1.1 ] [08.09.2011] - Transfer on Switch\Case.
[v:1.2 ] [11.09.2011] - Added new function (GetComponentName). // by BigETI

This include adds a new functions, which help find compatible upgrades.

pawn Код:
componentid = The componentid that needs to be added to the vehicle.
returns: String, component name.

model = Vehicle model id
componentid = The componentid that needs to be added to the vehicle.
returns: 0 not compatible, 1 compatible

GetVehicleCompatibleUpgrades(model, count, &component = 0)
model = Vehicle model id
count = Watch example :D
component = Variable to store the componentid, passed by reference
returns: componentid
pawn Код:
/////////////////////////// EXAMPLE 1  
    new player_in_car = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
        AddVehicleComponent(vehicle, 1014);
/////////////////////////// EXAMPLE 2  
    new component = GetVehicleCompatibleUpgrades(562, 1);
/////////////////////////// EXAMPLE 3  
    new component;
    GetVehicleCompatibleUpgrades(562, 1, component);
/////////////////////////// EXAMPLE 4  
    for(new vehiclemodel=400; vehiclemodel < 611; vehiclemodel++)
        new component, count=1;
        while(GetVehicleCompatibleUpgrades(vehiclemodel, count, component))
            printf("VehicleModel %d, Compatible with %s [%d] component", vehiclemodel, GetComponentName(component), component);

AW: Compatible Upgrades Function's - umarmalik - 08.09.2011

Looking Nice!!

GOing to test.

Re: Compatible Upgrades Function's - Redgie - 08.09.2011

It's a fantastic thing, extremely useful, but not finished.

EDITED: Apologies, part of my post was incorrect.

However, why is the radio not a listed component for them all?

Re: Compatible Upgrades Function's - Horrible - 09.09.2011

GJ man!

Re: Compatible Upgrades Function's - AirKite - 10.09.2011

Originally Posted by Redgie
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However, why is the radio not a listed component for them all?
It's have effect for all? I do not think so.

Re: Compatible Upgrades Function's - [US]Kenguru - 10.09.2011

does it work for neon ?

Re: Compatible Upgrades Function's - AirKite - 10.09.2011

Originally Posted by [US]Kenguru
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does it work for neon ?
It's work for all gta singleplayer upgrades. Neon it's object, compatible for all, even player head

Re: Compatible Upgrades Function's - AirKite - 11.09.2011

Added new function (GetComponentName). // by BigETI

Re: Compatible Upgrades Function's - SDraw - 20.09.2011

Thank you very much!!!
I thought that I'll sit days and nights to find compatible components, but you saved me.
And again, THANK YOU!!

Re: Compatible Upgrades Function's - Leeo_Perez - 20.09.2011
