how to make all players ... -
i have made a toll system and ive been looking to make it that the toll opens and closes for all players because at the moment toll only closes for player id 0 i am complete noob at pawno im just learning.
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <streamer>
#include <foreach>
#define red 0xFF0000AA
new toll1;
forward Tolls();
forward Timer_TollsClose(tollid);
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print("Toll script by Bally for Long Haul Trucking");
toll1 = CreateDynamicObject(3578, 1651.2354736328, -43.643432617188, 36.139217376709, 0, 0, 21.5);
CreateDynamicObject(3881, 1657.2738037109, -38.72607421875, 37.266929626465, 0, 0, 20.5);//lv toll start
CreateDynamicObject(3881, 1645.2979736328, -48.711246490479, 37.266929626465, 0, 0, 201.24499511719);
CreateDynamicObject(978, 1644.5096435547, -58.167507171631, 35.972015380859, 0, 0, 272);
CreateDynamicObject(979, 1663.5103759766, -44.451171875, 35.936042785645, 0, 0, 129.75);
CreateDynamicObject(978, 1656.4311523438, -30.885402679443, 35.939228057861, 0, 0, 74);
CreateDynamicObject(979, 1638.6834716797, -43.446388244629, 35.924705505371, 0, 0, 315);//lv toll end
SetTimer("Tolls", 1500, true);
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
public Tolls()
foreach(Player, playerid)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7, 1651.2354736328, -43.643432617188, 36.139217376709))
MoveDynamicObject(toll1, 1651.2353515625, -43.642578125, 34.464115142822, 2.5);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -5);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~y~THANK YOU~n~~r~$5", 30000, 3);
public Timer_TollsClose(tollid)
case 0: MoveDynamicObject(toll1, 1651.2354736328, -43.643432617188, 36.139217376709, 2.5);
Re: how to make all players ... -
Re: how to make all players ... -