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Dealership System doesn't work - Printable Version

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Dealership System doesn't work - TheNavigator - 05.09.2011

As you know, I'm a PAWN beginner, but not C

I had to make my own script =(

Anyway, I have a problem with dealership system

I enter the car, it looks like a normal car and /engine appears and I can't buy the car [the 3DTextLabel is there]

When I exit it drops to dealership again

How can I allow people to buy the car?

I found that the filterscript isn't linked in server.cfg, so I made it and /gmx, but no effect =(

Re: Dealership System doesn't work - -CaRRoT - 05.09.2011

What Filterscript you using ? Name ?

Re: Dealership System doesn't work - TheNavigator - 05.09.2011


Re: Dealership System doesn't work - -CaRRoT - 05.09.2011 , i mean.. if you downloaded it from here can you give me the link ? or paste it on to know what's the problem

Re: Dealership System doesn't work - TheNavigator - 05.09.2011

Oh sorry. I'm just kinda tired.

Here's the .pwn file

Re: Dealership System doesn't work - =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 05.09.2011

Your ShowPlayerDialog is in the wrong form

line #864

Re: Dealership System doesn't work - TheNavigator - 05.09.2011

Actually, something else is wrong

A mix in IDs

I went to somewhere that has those yellow helicopters, "Do you want to buy that Phoenix?" O.o

Another one, "Do you want to buy that Sabre?" 0_o

Can you fix that for me please?

Re: Dealership System doesn't work - =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by TheNavigator
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Actually, something else is wrong

A mix in IDs

I went to somewhere that has those yellow helicopters, "Do you want to buy that Phoenix?" O.o

Another one, "Do you want to buy that Sabre?" 0_o

Can you fix that for me please?
The dealership you have is quite bugged, and the ids are all mixed up, so why don't you use a better dealership FS ?

Such As:

Re: Dealership System doesn't work - TheNavigator - 05.09.2011

Thank you so much. I'll try them and see

Re: Dealership System doesn't work - TheNavigator - 06.09.2011

No commands are working at the filterscript that you gave to me =(