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Commands in samp-server.exe console - Printable Version

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Commands in samp-server.exe console - Wesley221 - 05.09.2011

I know its possible to have commands in the samp-server.exe console, and i also tried to make one but it didnt work.
pawn Код:
public OnRconCommand(cmd[])
    if( !strcmp( cmd, "kickall", true ) )
        foreach(Player, i)
            Kick( i );
    return 0;
When i typed "kickall" in the console (with '/rcon' before it, and with 'rcon' before it and without '(/)rcon' ) nothing happened, it didnt even print 'kickall'
What can the problem be?


Re: Commands in samp-server.exe console - Backwardsman97 - 05.09.2011

I think only native rcon commands work in the console.

Re: Commands in samp-server.exe console - =WoR=Varth - 05.09.2011

pawn Код:
return 1;

Re: Commands in samp-server.exe console - Wesley221 - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by Backwardsman97
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I think only native rcon commands work in the console.
So actually this callback has no use then?

Originally Posted by varthshenon
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pawn Код:
return 1;
Still nothing

Re: Commands in samp-server.exe console - =WoR=Varth - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by Wesley221
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So actually this callback has no use then?

Still nothing
Have you read this?

Re: Commands in samp-server.exe console - Wesley221 - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by varthshenon
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Yes i did

Re: Commands in samp-server.exe console - [MWR]Blood - 05.09.2011

When you execute a command in the console, it shouldn't be preceded by 'rcon'.

Re: Commands in samp-server.exe console - Wesley221 - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by [MWR]Blood
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When you execute a command in the console, it shouldn't be preceded by 'rcon'.
Originally Posted by Wesley221
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I know its possible to have commands in the samp-server.exe console, and i also tried to make one but it didnt work.
pawn Код:
public OnRconCommand(cmd[])
    if( !strcmp( cmd, "kickall", true ) )
        foreach(Player, i)
            Kick( i );
    return 0;
When i typed "kickall" in the console (with '/rcon' before it, and with 'rcon' before it and without '(/)rcon' ) nothing happened, it didnt even print 'kickall'
What can the problem be?

I did it with, and without

Re: Commands in samp-server.exe console - =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 05.09.2011

Did you try /kickall ? (Not IG)

Re: Commands in samp-server.exe console - Wesley221 - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by G4M3Ov3r
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Did you try /kickall ?
In the console you dont need the '/' before a command

Originally Posted by [MWR]Blood
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Have you tried the example code from the wiki to see if at least it works?
I just tried, but didnt work neither