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[Map] MiNiGuN ZoNe [Good for a minigame] - Printable Version

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MiNiGuN ZoNe [Good for a minigame] - Black_Death - 04.09.2011

Hi guys I want to release a minigun zone that i made with mta it is not that professionally done in the meaning it has like gaps etc but Its very fun if you use it as a minigame I hope you guys like it its my first map You have the permission to edit it etc btw if you use THIS map please put some credits at least but i know you some noobs wont but anyway screenshots and download link is underneath Please comment thanks MIRRORS accepted


The minigun zone is big I just gave some screenshots of the minigun zone too give you the idea of the map

Download link :

Thanks for seeing my thread

Re: MiNiGuN ZoNe [Good for a minigame] - dis77urbio - 04.09.2011

good look man

Re: MiNiGuN ZoNe [Good for a minigame] - Black_Death - 05.09.2011

Thankyou so much for answering I hope you like it

Re: MiNiGuN ZoNe [Good for a minigame] - Black_Death - 06.09.2011

Please comment guys

Re: MiNiGuN ZoNe [Good for a minigame] - Kaperstone - 06.09.2011


Re: MiNiGuN ZoNe [Good for a minigame] - ylleron - 06.09.2011

niceee!!! i will used it !! thank you

Re: MiNiGuN ZoNe [Good for a minigame] - Black_Death - 06.09.2011

Wow thanks guys for all the comments

Re: MiNiGuN ZoNe [Good for a minigame] - Ammo - 07.09.2011

nice area bro!

Re: MiNiGuN ZoNe [Good for a minigame] - Black_Death - 07.09.2011

Ty the rockstar for the nice comment

Re : MiNiGuN ZoNe [Good for a minigame] - Naruto_Emilio - 07.09.2011

Good job for this, i like this map :P