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[Tool/Web/Other] PawnoMac - Printable Version

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SA-MP Mac & PawnoMac - TheLoolyWiz - 04.09.2011

~ SA-MP Mac & PawnoMac ~

Hello guys, today I've a good news for Mac Fans!
I've made a SA-MP Virtualization on Mac I spent some time for it and now it works PERFECTLY
But the "AWESOME NEWS" is that I've also made a Virtualization of Pawno! And I called it PawnoMac
SA-MP on Mac OS X

So SA-MP now works on MacOS fine such as on Windows! NO LAG! NO RESULUTIONS PROBLEMS!
@ SA-MP Mac v0.1
- Annoying LAG!!
- Some times sound goes out.

@ PawnoMac
Sometimes it doesn't give any warning or error while there are some. [TO FIX in v0.2]
But if you find others bugs, please tell me them!

- How to install SA-MP Mac!

If the app starts the single player as default, follow me:
Right click on> Show Package Contents-> Open>Advanced->Where "Windows EXE" select "samp.exe" in "drive_c/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Gta San Andreas" folder, and then click "Done", and now you're ready to play SA-MP Mac. (Follow the image below)

Don't worry if you don't have a Windows Partition, just download from torrent or anywhere gtasa files and put them in the SA-MP Mac App Folder(drive_c/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Gta San Andreas)
- Playing SA-MP Mac and How to Install PawnoMac!

* Uploading the SA-MP Mac Archive!

v0.1 - SA-MP Mac:
v0.1 - PawnoMac:

Respuesta: PawnoMac - Manuel7284 - 04.09.2011

Good Job!

Re: PawnoMac - TheLoolyWiz - 04.09.2011

Thanks M8

Re : PawnoMac - [Ask]Terminator - 04.09.2011

veryyy nice , can you make one for ipad?

Re: PawnoMac - TheLoolyWiz - 04.09.2011

I'll try sometime Man! But making the compiler is a lot difficult!

Re: PawnoMac - darklight94 - 04.09.2011

when i download pawnomac safari say that it can't compile it.

Re: PawnoMac - TheLoolyWiz - 04.09.2011

Safari say that it can't compile it?! Are you sure?

Re: PawnoMac - darklight94 - 04.09.2011

Wait a moment please ^^
My system is in german language, so I have to translate it.

//edit: Thats the Message: "Decompress failed"
//edit2: And when I open the zip file this message appears: "Error 2: There is no folder or file"

Re: PawnoMac - TheLoolyWiz - 04.09.2011

Link Fixed!

Re: PawnoMac - darklight94 - 04.09.2011

Now it works
