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Countdown doesn't work correctly! - Printable Version

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Countdown doesn't work correctly! - [WSF]ThA_Devil - 04.09.2011

it just spams numbers randomly -_-
pawn Код:
public CountDown(playerid){
    new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
        for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 10.0, X, Y, Z))
    if (Count > 0){
    GameTextForPlayer(i, CountText[Count-1], 2500, 3);
    SetTimer("CountDown", 1000, 0);
    GameTextForPlayer(i,"~g~Go Go Go!!!", 2500, 3);
    return 1;
pawn Код:
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/count", true)==0)
        new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[99];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
        format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has started countdown at their position!",name);
        SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00AA, string);
        Count = 5;
        return 1;
pawn Код:
new Count = 5;
new CountText[5][5] ={

AW: Countdown doesn't work correctly! - Nero_3D - 04.09.2011

Use SetTimerEx and move it and the decrease of count outside the loop

Re: Countdown doesn't work correctly! - Basicz - 04.09.2011

I would do :

pawn Код:
new Count[ MAX_PLAYERS ] = 5, countTimer[ MAX_PLAYERS ], bool: hasc[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

// onplayerconnect
hasc[ playerid ] = false;

forward Countdown( playerid );
public Countdown( playerid )
        Float: Pos[ 3 ]

    GetPlayerPos( playerid, Pos[ 0 ], Pos[ 1 ], Pos[ 2 ] );

    for ( new p = GetMaxPlayers( ), i; i < p; i ++ )
        if ( !IsPlayerConnected( i ) )

        if ( !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( i, 2.0, Pos[ 0 ], Pos[ 1 ], Pos[ 2 ] ) )

        if ( Count[ playerid ] > 0 )
            Count[ playerid ] --;

        if ( Count[ playerid ] == 0 )
            KillTimer( countTimer[ playerid ] ), GameTextForPlayer( i, "~r~GO GO GO!", 2500, 3 ), hasc[ playerid ] = false;

        new gametextFormat[ 5 ];

        format( gametextFormat, 5, "~r~%d", Count );

        GameTextForPlayer( i, gametextFormat, 2500, 3 );

    return 1;

// Command

COMMAND:count( playerid, params[ ] )
    foreach (Player, i)
        if ( hasc[ i ] )
            // error: somebodys already starting countdown

    if ( hasc[ playerid ] )
        // error : you are already starting a countdown

    // Messages thingy

    Count[ playerid ] = 5;

    countTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "Countdown", 1000, true, "i", playerid );

    hasc[ playerid ] = true;
    return 1;
EDIT: Added an area check
EDIT2: Added an antispam for a player, so he will not repeat the command everytime.
EDIT3: IMPORTANT! Edited my post, so it will not mess another people's countdown.
EDIT4: Fixed.

Re: Countdown doesn't work correctly! - [WSF]ThA_Devil - 04.09.2011

Originally Posted by Basicz
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I would do :

pawn Код:
new Count = 0, countTimer[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

forward Countdown( playerid );
public Countdown( playerid )
        Float: Pos[ 3 ]

    GetPlayerPos( playerid, Pos[ 0 ], Pos[ 1 ], Pos[ 2 ] );

    for ( new p = GetMaxPlayers( ), i; i < p; i ++ )
        if ( !IsPlayerConnected( i ) )

        if ( !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( i, 2.0, Pos[ 0 ], Pos[ 1 ], Pos[ 2 ] ) )

        if ( Count < 5 )
            Count ++;

        if ( Count == 5 )
            KillTimer( countTimer[ playerid ] ), GameTextForPlayer( i, "~r~GO GO GO!", 2500, 3 );

        new gametextFormat[ 5 ];

        format( gametextFormat, 5, "~r~%d", Count );

        GameTextForPlayer( i, gametextFormat, 2500, 3 );

    return 1;

// Command

COMMAND:count( playerid, params[ ] )
    // Messages thingy

    Count = 0;

    countTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "Countdown", 1000, true, "i", playerid );
    return 1;
EDIT: Added an area check
WTF O.o didn't undarstood anything but k, gotta try xD

Re: Countdown doesn't work correctly! - Basicz - 04.09.2011

Please use the last edit, it can mess up another player's countdown.

Re: Countdown doesn't work correctly! - [WSF]ThA_Devil - 04.09.2011

well it counts up not down and second... it misses every second number... well it works when i am alone... but when we are to one gets 1 3 5 and second 2 and 4

Re: Countdown doesn't work correctly! - iMonk3y - 04.09.2011

SetTimer will get called as many times as there are players in range of point. I would do the following operation: Remove red and add green.
public CountDown()
    new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 10.0, X, Y, Z))
            if (Count > 0)
                GameTextForPlayer(i, CountText[Count-1], 2500, 3);
                SetTimer("CountDown", 1000, 0);
                GameTextForPlayer(i,"~g~Go Go Go!!!", 2500, 3);
    if(Count > 0) SetTimer("CountDown", 1000, 0);
    return 1;

Re: Countdown doesn't work correctly! - [WSF]ThA_Devil - 04.09.2011

Originally Posted by iMonk3y
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SetTimer will get called as many times as there are players in range of point. I would do the following operation: Remove red and add green.
public CountDown()
    new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 10.0, X, Y, Z))
            if (Count > 0)
                GameTextForPlayer(i, CountText[Count-1], 2500, 3);
                SetTimer("CountDown", 1000, 0);
                GameTextForPlayer(i,"~g~Go Go Go!!!", 2500, 3);
    if(Count > 0) SetTimer("CountDown", 1000, 0);
    return 1;
well as i undarstood every1 will get countdown but i want at one player position...

Re: Countdown doesn't work correctly! - Basicz - 04.09.2011

Try my last edit, I have made it counts down + not letting another player counts when someone in near of him/her is counting.

( EDIT4 has been edited 2 times )

Re: Countdown doesn't work correctly! - [WSF]ThA_Devil - 04.09.2011

Originally Posted by Basicz
Посмотреть сообщение
I would do :

pawn Код:
new Count[ MAX_PLAYERS ] = 5, countTimer[ MAX_PLAYERS ], bool: hasc[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

// onplayerconnect
hasc[ playerid ] = false;

forward Countdown( playerid );
public Countdown( playerid )
        Float: Pos[ 3 ]

    GetPlayerPos( playerid, Pos[ 0 ], Pos[ 1 ], Pos[ 2 ] );

    for ( new p = GetMaxPlayers( ), i; i < p; i ++ )
        if ( !IsPlayerConnected( i ) )

        if ( !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( i, 2.0, Pos[ 0 ], Pos[ 1 ], Pos[ 2 ] ) )

        if ( Count[ playerid ] > 0 )
            Count[ playerid ] --;

        if ( Count[ playerid ] == 0 )
            KillTimer( countTimer[ playerid ] ), GameTextForPlayer( i, "~r~GO GO GO!", 2500, 3 ), hasc[ playerid ] = false;

        new gametextFormat[ 5 ];

        format( gametextFormat, 5, "~r~%d", Count );

        GameTextForPlayer( i, gametextFormat, 2500, 3 );

    return 1;

// Command

COMMAND:count( playerid, params[ ] )
    foreach (Player, i)
        if ( hasc[ i ] )
            // error: somebodys already starting countdown

    if ( hasc[ playerid ] )
        // error : you are already starting a countdown

    // Messages thingy

    Count[ playerid ] = 5;

    countTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "Countdown", 1000, true, "i", playerid );

    hasc[ playerid ] = true;
    return 1;
EDIT: Added an area check
EDIT2: Added an antispam for a player, so he will not repeat the command everytime.
EDIT3: IMPORTANT! Edited my post, so it will not mess another people's countdown.
EDIT4: Fixed.
well Edit 4 works quiet good but... i don't get that GO GO GO message