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[Help] Object Rotation - Printable Version

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[Help] Object Rotation - alainchaccour - 03.09.2011

new cellsdoor;
new cellsdooropen = 0;

cellsdoor = CreateObject(1495,2756.09252930,-2358.50292969,12.63281250,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000); //object(gen_doorext01) (1)

if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/cell", true) == 0)
        {//Door to Cells
             if(!(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 5)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"   You are not a member of the National Guards !");
				cellsdooropen = 1;
				SetObjectRot( cellsdoor, ?, ?, ?);
				SetObjectPos( cellsdoor, 2756.09179688,-2358.50292969,12.63281250 );
			 else if(cellsdoor==1)
				cellsdooropen = 0;
				SetObjectRot( cellsdoor, ?, ?, ?);
				SetObjectPos( cellsdoor, 2756.09252930,-2358.50292969,12.63281250 );
       SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "   You are not near a door !");
       return 1;
       return 1;
I can't find the good rotation for the door to open like in the pictures.
Can you help me please!

Door Closed

Door Opened

Re: [Help] Object Rotation - =WoR=Varth - 03.09.2011

Re: [Help] Object Rotation - alainchaccour - 03.09.2011

But this doesnt tell me what coords should I put to rotate it like in the picture

Re: [Help] Object Rotation - alainchaccour - 03.09.2011

Ok now this worked to open the door SetObjectRot( cellsdoor, 0.0000, 360.0000, -90.0000);

now I need the coords to close, cant find correct one

Re: [Help] Object Rotation - alainchaccour - 03.09.2011

Nevermind, my fault, I typed the wrong name of object. Works now.