Remove Default Checkpoints -
Sweet_Mafia - 02.09.2011
Inside the ammunation there is the red marker in which users can buy weapons from, can someone please help/tell me how to remove these?
Re: Remove Default Checkpoints -
Ash. - 02.09.2011
This may sound stupid, but try setting the shop name to Cluckin' Bell or something, I'm not in a position to test this myself so I may be wrong. (sorry if I am)
Re: Remove Default Checkpoints -
knackworst - 02.09.2011
I went into the FS gl_mapicons and deleted everything for the map icons, maybe it works for markers too...
Re: Remove Default Checkpoints -
Ash. - 02.09.2011
It doesn't (for me at least). I don't even use that filteerscript and if I teleport to Ammu-Nation the checkpoint is there. I don't. Think there is a function to disable that checkpoint, unless you try my idea.
Re: Remove Default Checkpoints -
Kar - 02.09.2011
put disableinteriorexits in your script
Re: Remove Default Checkpoints -
Ash. - 02.09.2011
Originally Posted by Kar
put disableinteriorexits in your script
This only disable the entry and exiit pickups for the interiors.. Not the checkpoints within?
Edit: Do what Kar said (though the function is 'DisableInteriorEnterExits()' I seem tto remember that right). Then the checkpoints will only show if and when yyoi set the shop name/script to the desired shop (which you shouldn't do as you. Don't want the checkpoint/AmmuNation menu).
Sorry for any confusion I may have caused.
Re: Remove Default Checkpoints -
Sweet_Mafia - 02.09.2011
I removed interior etrances, those yellow markers, I need to remove the red ones inside. Still not wroking
Re: Remove Default Checkpoints -
Kar - 02.09.2011
under ongamemode init put this "DisableInteriorEnterExits();"
the markers etc should be disabled.. if you maybe want ammunation ones, try another interior, some people reported that they didn't get removed but mine got removed. idk why, it may depend on the order you disable things. I don't exactly know.
Re: Remove Default Checkpoints -
Ash. - 02.09.2011
If what Kar said didn't work, try my original idea of changing the shop name (to change the script).
Re: Remove Default Checkpoints -
Vince - 02.09.2011
Try fiddling with the Virtual World, might work too. In my script, all the red checkpoints in the shops are disabled, as well as all of the yellow enex markers.