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Custom objects - Printable Version

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Custom objects - pliptm - 02.09.2011

Hello. I made custom object to samp, everythings works and i see this object, but if my brother or somebody else log-ins to server then he see only question mark(yellow and black stripes).
How can i make it this way, that everybody are seeing this object?

Sorry for my bad English.
Hope you get the point what i'm trying to say.

Re: Custom objects - Zonoya - 02.09.2011

give them ur Custom IMG and Custom IDE file

Re: Custom objects - pliptm - 02.09.2011

But i there any way that they don't need those? Because i mean, it complicated that every single player, how want to connect server must download these files, They just want to play in this server then. :/

Re: Custom objects - Zonoya - 02.09.2011

i dont think there is another way dude

Re: Custom objects - PhoenixB - 02.09.2011

You want a custom made to appear not locally but to others, Impossible as its in your GTA San Andreas files only, not any of your players

Re: Custom objects - pliptm - 02.09.2011

too bad, but is this lamp on smthing original then?

Re: Custom objects - Babul - 02.09.2011

that lamps object id is 3472

Re: Custom objects - MuhammadFajar - 03.09.2011


You want a custom made to appear not locally but to others, Impossible as its in your GTA San Andreas files only, not any of your players

That's possible!

Hello. I made custom object to samp, everythings works and i see this object, but if my brother or somebody else log-ins to server then he see only question mark(yellow and black stripes).
How can i make it this way, that everybody are seeing this object?

Check out this link :

Hope the link above helps you