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Help with this - [MKD]Max - 30.08.2011

how i can make this code work on criminal and swat what i mean when swat use /drag and drag suspect in car now when swat enter the pd checkpoint its work and jail the suspect ....

	if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) >= 4 && GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) <= 5) {
	SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xA9A9A9AA, "|_Los Santos Police Department_|");
	SendClientMessage(playerid,0x00C7FFAA,"You have given yourself into the police. You have been detained");
	new rnd;
	rnd = random(sizeof (ArrestedSpawn));
	SetPlayerPos(playerid, ArrestedSpawn[rnd][0], ArrestedSpawn[rnd][1], ArrestedSpawn[rnd][2]);
	SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ArrestedSpawn[rnd][3]);
	format(string, sizeof(string), "Wanted suspect %s(%d) has handed himself into LSPD and has been detained by police",wantedsuspect,playerid);
	SendClientMessageToAll(0x00C7FFAA, string);
	SendClientMessage(playerid,0x00C7FFAA,"You will be auto-released from jail or a Police Officer/Jail Turnkey can release you early");
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Wanted suspect %s(%d) has handed himself into LSPD and has been detained by police",wantedsuspect,playerid);
    printf("%s", string);

    Jailed[playerid] =1;
	StoleCopCarRecent[playerid] =0;
	cannotescapejail[playerid] =1;
	JailTime[playerid] =60;
	JailTimeServed[playerid] =0;
	oscore = GetPlayerScore(playerid);
	SetPlayerScore(playerid, oscore +1);
	return 1;