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TDM server all can help! - Printable Version

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TDM server all can help! [Team work] CLOSED - davve95 - 29.08.2011

There are almost no good english tdm servers so I get an idea to start a team work with pepols in Sa-mp forum .
You can help with script etc but I don't give any money for scripters/Helpers becuse this is a team work...

JOBS/(Things to do) for the server making:

1.Scripters.... Script tdm, You can aslo come with ideas... Things to do: Gang zones...

2.Mappers (Locaiton: San Ferrio)

3.Advertising ******* etc
We need:

1. Suggestions/ideas

2. A web site (I can make one)....

3. Admins

I will make a web site when we have script and more...

Help if u want!

Come with ideas...

Re: TDM server all can help! - =WoR=Varth - 29.08.2011


JOBS for the server making:



Re: TDM server all can help! - [GTA]AmericanGangster - 29.08.2011

so you need a TDM SCRIPT ?

Re: TDM server all can help! - davve95 - 29.08.2011

Originally Posted by varthshenon
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A tdm script with gang zones...

Re: TDM server all can help! - =WoR=Varth - 29.08.2011

Originally Posted by davve95
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Some one need to script..
By explain I mean the detail.
You said it's a job, so the first thing that come to my mind is $.

Re: TDM server all can help! - davve95 - 29.08.2011

Originally Posted by TAGproduction
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so you need a TDM SCRIPT ?
Yes that right Help if u want

Re: TDM server all can help! - davve95 - 29.08.2011

Originally Posted by varthshenon
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By explain I mean the detail.
You said it's a job, so the first thing that come to my mind is $.
Sorry for bad explain... Nah no money this is like a waste time project for all who wants to help To make a good server

Re: TDM server all can help! - Venice - 29.08.2011

Originally Posted by davve95
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Sorry for bad explain... Nah no money this is like a waste time project for all who wants to help To make a good server
then Just need owner level or admin in server right ?

Re: TDM server all can help! - Venice - 29.08.2011

i need money for my server

Re: TDM server all can help! - davve95 - 29.08.2011

Originally Posted by Venice
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i need money for my server
Oh ok..