Pickups -
uprp - 28.08.2011
I've removed the normal SA: SINGLE PLAYER pickups ( those yellow arrows)
But now i have the whole gamemode without pickups.
Can anyone supply me with a FS with all the pickups + entries? Thanks.
Or the Gamemode Code... Thanks.
Re: Pickups -
Bakr - 28.08.2011
Why would you want to remove them in the first place if your gamemode is going to depend on them?
And I'm unaware of a filterscript that has all those locations replaced with pickups. I'll edit this post if I find anything.
Re: Pickups -
uprp - 28.08.2011
I removed them because they took over the normal ones that i had with the GM, a.k.a the old ones effed them up.
Re: Pickups -
[MG]Dimi - 28.08.2011
Delete this function to again add yellow markers for interiors.
Re: Pickups -
uprp - 28.08.2011
Yes i know, but i hate those yellow markers as they fuck up the whole game, i want to replace them with the 1239 ID pickups.
Re: Pickups -
=WoR=Varth - 28.08.2011
So you need all of their coordinate?
Re: Pickups -
Bakr - 28.08.2011
I'm still yet to find a system that does what you desire. You will have to do it manually.
What exactly do you mean by "they fuck up the whole game"? Maybe we would be able to fix that issue.
Re: Pickups -
uprp - 28.08.2011
Example, i enter city hall, and i go on the pickup, it takes me to LV.
Basically, i need all of them replaced with functioning ones.
It's like they own the whole gamemode.
Re: Pickups -
Bakr - 28.08.2011
That is because the interior you are using city hall for is located in LV, in single player.
How are you entering the city hall in the first place? I'm assuming a /enter or key bind. Why not do the same for exiting?
Re: Pickups -
uprp - 28.08.2011
I have an enter pickup, but the exit pickup is the yellow one.
and its not just city hall, but all over the GM
Re: Pickups -
Bakr - 28.08.2011
If you have enter pickups, why not add exit pickups? Assuming you made one, you can make the other fairly easy.
And there will be no filterscript that will do exactly what you want as your city hall, bank, etc may vary from that in the filterscript. It's practical that my above solution (making exit pickups) is the only thing you can do (or use the default yellow markers for both enter and exits).
Re: Pickups -
uprp - 28.08.2011
I know, i can easily make them. But since the yellow ones block them, it's pretty hard to.
You are suggesting that i add like 30 pickups? plus i fail at them.
Re: Pickups -
Bakr - 28.08.2011
Just remove the yellow markers (which I showed you how to do in your other thread) and make the exit pickups.
Re: Pickups -
TouR - 28.08.2011
I had made a FS you can create easily entrances. Check this
Re: Pickups -
uprp - 28.08.2011
Tour, can you make the pickups for me? Ill pay u and +rep you
Re: Pickups -
-CaRRoT - 28.08.2011
I Can make them - show me where and what you want them to do exactly
Re: Pickups -
=WoR=Varth - 28.08.2011
Save your money.
Re: Pickups -
-CaRRoT - 28.08.2011
I Was going to make them for free.. but if the link you gave helps - then good
Re: Pickups -
uprp - 28.08.2011
Trying now.
Re: Pickups -
uprp - 28.08.2011
allright, i seem to manage for now, thanks every1