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[INFO]Loop - Printable Version

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[INFO]Loop - TheBluec0de - 24.08.2011

Hello everyone, I could use a function to speed up the various loops?, As well as I did in the forward + public:

#define function%0(%1) forward%0(%1); public%0(%1)
function add(a, b) { 
   return a + b;    
various loop

#define Loop(%0,%1) for(new %0; %0 != %1; %0++)

Re: [INFO]Loop - TheBluec0de - 24.08.2011

bumping ?

Re: [INFO]Loop - Toreno - 24.08.2011

Yes, you can.

Re: [INFO]Loop - Bakr - 24.08.2011

Do not bump within 48 hours, learn to read the rules.

And if you would've taken those 1 hour and 16 minutes to actually test it yourself, which would take all of 3 minutes, you'd have your answer.

Re: [INFO]Loop - TheBluec0de - 25.08.2011

if I create a loop with the # define ... how should I do?

Re: [INFO]Loop - =WoR=Varth - 25.08.2011

pawn Код:
#define Loop(%0,%1) for(new %0;%0<%1;%0++)

Re: [INFO]Loop - TheBluec0de - 25.08.2011

I asked if I do a for loop as I put it?

Re: [INFO]Loop - DRIFT_HUNTER - 25.08.2011

pawn Код:
#define Loop(%0,%0) for(new %0 = 0; %0 < %1; %0++)
//Now you can use it as:


Re: [INFO]Loop - iPLEOMAX - 25.08.2011

There is no difference in using for(new i.. and Loop() because it's just the exact same thing defined.

In order to avoid messy "for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)", we define it and use Loop(a, MAX) which looks neat and easier to do.

The real difference could be compared with foreach() by ******.