Game SDK's - Printable Version
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Game SDK's -
Meinstad - 23.08.2011
Hello, I got a question for you.
What Game Develoment SDK do you recrument/prefer ?
Re: Game SDK's -
saiberfun - 23.08.2011
I tried out CryEngine3 and I think it's really cool.
but didn't get to do much with yet.
Re: Game SDK's -
Meinstad - 23.08.2011
I tried it too. Loved the Sandbox engine, but it's looks to "Messy".
Re: Game SDK's -
Mrkrabz - 23.08.2011
UDK (Unreal Development Kit), I'm doing a degree in it and it's pretty cool.
Re: Game SDK's -
playbox12 - 23.08.2011
UDK, is a really good engine, also has a very good documentation so you can get started making simple things really early (even without previous coding knowledge). CryEngine seems really cool, I downloaded it but never got arround to test it out.
Re: Game SDK's -
Meinstad - 24.08.2011
Thanks. going to try UDK now