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Define - Wesley221 - 22.08.2011

Hey guys,

Im making a dialog where you can buy guns. Now im trying to make dynamic prices behind the weapon like this:
pawn Code:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HANDWEP, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Choose the weapon you want", "Knife($KNIFE) \nBaseball Bat($BASEBALL) \nShovel($SHOVEL) \nKatana($KATANA) \nChainsaw($CHAINSAW)", "Buy", "Back");
The ($KNIFE) is a define, just like all the other things. Somehow, it shows ingame just like this in the dialog:
It should be "Knife($500)". I got all the defines right, and i dont see the problem here. Can anyone help me with this?

Weapon prices defines:
pawn Code:
#define KNIFE               500
#define BASEBALL            800
#define SHOVEL              900
#define KATANA              1000
#define CHAINSAW            1500

Re: Define - RyDeR` - 22.08.2011

Show your dialogs.

Re: Define - Wesley221 - 22.08.2011

Well, its with all the dialogs the same. In the first post theres a example of one, defines are down, and it shows like:
Knife($KNIFE) in the dialog (ingame)

Re: Define - RyDeR` - 22.08.2011

Silly me - should've taken a better look at the topic. Try this:
pawn Code:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HANDWEP, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Choose the weapon you want", "Knife($" #KNIFE ") \nBaseball Bat($" #BASEBALL ") \nShovel($" #SHOVEL ") \nKatana($" #KATANA ") \nChainsaw($" #CHAINSAW ")", "Buy", "Back");

Re: Define - Wesley221 - 22.08.2011

Yep works, thanks