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[NPC]Hydra in BigEar - Printable Version

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[NPC]Hydra in BigEar - Macros50 - 22.08.2011

Simple BigEar Hydra NPC
Version: 1
Here's a very simple NPC record of Hydra in BigEar.
Bug: No one
Here the download file .rec
Here the download file.pwn
Put file hydra.rec in npcmodes/recordings folder
Put file hydra.pwn /npcmodes and compil it
Location bot: BigEar
After Go in you gamemode and put this on top of OnGameModeInit:
new hydradriftbot;
Put this under OnGameModeInit
hydradriftbot=CreateVehicle(520, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 3, 3, 5000);
Put this under OnPlayerSpawn
       new npcname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
       GetPlayerName(playerid, npcname, sizeof(npcname));
       if(!strcmp(npcname, "HydraDriftBot", true))
           PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, hydradriftbot, 0);
Again sorry my lousy english...

Re: [NPC]Hydra in BigEar - Tee - 22.08.2011

I think you meant to post that, here.

Re: [NPC]Hydra in BigEar - Macros50 - 22.08.2011

Sorry wrong section

Re: [NPC]Hydra in BigEar - Dragony92 - 22.08.2011

Nice NPC....
But you thread need to be here i think

Re: [NPC]Hydra in BigEar - Adil - 22.08.2011

Contact an IRC Admin on IRC. He'll get it moved to the right section.

Re: [NPC]Hydra in BigEar - Macros50 - 22.08.2011

Thank's Dragony but i can't move the section to the Filterscript and Includes section. Contact an Admin