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Show key defined in messege by player - Printable Version

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Show key defined in messege by player - Riddick94 - 22.08.2011

How to send player defined key in message?

pawn Code:
new string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "Aby zwiększyć lub zciszyć głośność radia\nnależy operować klawiszami "COL_RED"~k~~GO_LEFT~, "COL_DEF"aby zciszyć oraz "COL_RED"~k~~GO_RIGHT "COL_DEF"aby podgłośnić.\nAby zakończyć edycję należy nadusić klawisz "COL_RED"~k~~PED_SPRINT~");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_RADIO, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Zwiększenia głośności", string, "Okey", "");
I know it works in GameTextForPlayer, TextDraws.. but in ShowPlayerDialog can work too?

Re: Show key defined in messege by player - Riddick94 - 22.08.2011

Bump. (4th page)

AW: Show key defined in messege by player - Nero_3D - 22.08.2011

If the codes dont work than they dont work, nothing to do about that