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i need MTA with 0.3c objects - Printable Version

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i need MTA with 0.3c objects - Yair_Mode - 19.08.2011

first-sorry for my english. i am from israel

i need MTA with the new 0.3c objects
i have very much errors
some one can give me the MTA with the new objects?


Re: i need MTA with 0.3c objects - PhoenixB - 19.08.2011

Re: i need MTA with 0.3c objects - Bakr - 19.08.2011

Here is a tutorial provided by GamerX.

Re: i need MTA with 0.3c objects - Lorenc_ - 19.08.2011

Go on ****** and type in " MTA SA 0.3.rar DOWNLOAD "

Thats how I got it

Re: i need MTA with 0.3c objects - Michael@Belgium - 19.08.2011

Ye ****** is the solution (

Re: i need MTA with 0.3c objects - [MWR]Blood - 19.08.2011

Search in ****** for MTARC3.rar
It's a package provided by me that has the 0.3c RC3 objects in!

Re: i need MTA with 0.3c objects - Yair_Mode - 20.08.2011

You did not understand, I have to MTA that has been the new objects

Re: i need MTA with 0.3c objects - Yair_Mode - 20.08.2011

please help|!!@!@!

Re: i need MTA with 0.3c objects - Yair_Mode - 25.08.2011

Re: i need MTA with 0.3c objects - -CaRRoT - 25.08.2011

Can you show us the Objects and the Errors it give you ?