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OnPlayerConnect - cruising - 17.08.2011


im trying to get markers on the map invisible when connect and/or on spawn, but nothing seams to help
im doing like this

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        gradar[i] = 0;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    gradar[playerid] = 0;
    for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
        if(Member[playerid] != Member[i] && IsPlayerConnected(i)) SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, i, (GetPlayerColor(i) & 0xFFFFFF00));

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
        if(Member[playerid] != Member[i] && IsPlayerConnected(i)) SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, i, (GetPlayerColor(i) & 0xFFFFFF00));
EDIT: forgot to add this here to
pawn Код:
public GangRadar(playerid)
    for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
        if(Member[playerid] != Member[i] && gradar[i] == 1) SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, i, (GetPlayerColor(playerid) & 0xFFFFFF00));
        if(Leader[playerid] != Leader[i] && gradar[i] == 1) SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, i, (GetPlayerColor(playerid) & 0xFFFFFF00));

COMMAND:radar(playerid, params[])
        if(gradar[playerid] == 0)
            for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)

                if(Member[playerid] != Member[i] && IsPlayerConnected(i)) SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, i, (GetPlayerColor(i) & 0xFFFFFF00));
                if(Leader[playerid] != Leader[i] && IsPlayerConnected(i)) SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, i, (GetPlayerColor(i) & 0xFFFFFF00));
            gradar[playerid] = 1;
            gradartimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("GangRadar", 1000, true, "i", playerid);
            for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, i, GetPlayerColor(i));
            gradar[playerid] = 0;
        return 1;
and i also have tried this way
pawn Код:
if(Member[playerid] != Member[i] && gradar[i] == 0) SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(i, playerid, (GetPlayerColor(playerid) & 0xFFFFFF00));
nothing seams to help

Re: OnPlayerConnect - Admigo - 17.08.2011

At this at top of script:
OnPlayerspawn add:

Re: OnPlayerConnect - Kar - 17.08.2011

Originally Posted by admigo
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At this at top of script:
OnPlayerspawn add:
he wants to keep the chat the same.

(GetPlayerColor(i) & 0xFFFFFF00)

yet I have never gotten it to work, I don't think the wiki is right..

I don't know how can this be fixed ;\

admigo - cruising - 17.08.2011

Originally Posted by admigo
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At this at top of script:
OnPlayerspawn add:
This makes everyone invisible, you need to be able to see your team members on the map

Originally Posted by Kar
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he wants to keep the chat the same.

(GetPlayerColor(i) & 0xFFFFFF00)

yet I have never gotten it to work, I don't think the wiki is right..

I don't know how can this be fixed ;\
Thats correct, and also that the /radar cmd only removes other then your own team

Re: OnPlayerConnect - Badger(new) - 17.08.2011

A quote from the wiki article on GetPlayerColor

Important Note: GetPlayerColor will return nothing unless SetPlayerColor has been used!

If you want to use the default colours, click here, and add that code to your script.
Then, when a player connects, do:
pawn Код:
SetPlayerColor(playerid,PlayerColors[playerid]-FF);//"-FF" takes away the alpha (transparency) value of 255 (FF)

Re: OnPlayerConnect - cruising - 17.08.2011

Originally Posted by Badger(new)
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A quote from the wiki article on GetPlayerColor

If you want to use the default colours, click here, and add that code to your script.
Then, when a player connects, do:
pawn Код:
SetPlayerColor(playerid,PlayerColors[playerid]-FF);//"-FF" takes away the alpha (transparency) value of 255 (FF)
I use SetPlayerColor for all teams when a player spawning.

Re: OnPlayerConnect - Badger(new) - 17.08.2011

Originally Posted by cruising
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I use SetPlayerColor for all teams when a player spawning.
I could not see that in the code you provided.

If you have used it, add -FF to the end of the colour to make map icons invisable (this will take away the alpha/transparency value, the last bit of 0xFF155DFF, to make map icons invisable).

pawn Код:

Re: OnPlayerConnect - iggy1 - 17.08.2011

Fail by me.

Re: OnPlayerConnect - cruising - 17.08.2011

Originally Posted by Badger(new)
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I could not see that in the code you provided.

If you have used it, add -FF to the end of the colour to make map icons invisable (this will take away the alpha/transparency value, the last bit of 0xFF155DFF, to make map icons invisable).

pawn Код:
Thats because it wasnt that the question was about in first place.
And i had not problem with the colors, just the cmd it self, that i have solved now anyways

But just one question left, when i type /radar i get invisible for my enemies and stay visible for my team, but when i get close to a enemy, i get visible again, any good solution for that?

Re: OnPlayerConnect - Basicz - 17.08.2011

Personally I would make something like this
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
    foreach (Player,i)
        if ( Member[ playerid ] == Member[ i ] )

        SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer( i, playerid, ( GetPlayerColor( playerid ) & 0xFFFFFF00 ) ); // Invisible

    gradar[ playerid ] = 1; // Radar turned off for other teams.

    return 1;

CMD:radar( playerid, params[ ] )
    if ( !gradar[ playerid ] )
        gradar[ playerid ] = 1;
        foreach (Player, i)
            if ( Member[ playerid ] == Member[ i ] )
            SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer( i, playerid, ( GetPlayerColor( playerid ) & 0xFFFFFF00 ) ); // Invisible for other teams.
        gradar[ playerid ] = 0;
        foreach (Player, i)
            SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer( i, playerid, GetPlayerColor( playerid ) ); // Visible for other teams.
    return 1;
I hope this is what you want, and sorry for pressing Submit Post accidentally.