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Pickup help - uprp - 16.08.2011

I recently got an SARP edit..

I dont want shit about how bad it is, all i want is help.

When i go over some pickups at random locations, it says


* house, type /enter to enter

It sucks, i wanna remove that. i tried searching all over the script but no answer.


How do i make pickups instead of those yellow floating things that you get from SP?

I'm talking about the " i " sign pickups.

I am a newbie at scripting, but don't say anybody shouldnt help a newbie.

Thanks 4 ur help!

Re: Pickup help - PhoenixB - 16.08.2011 - Explains all about a pickup, read it

Respuesta: Pickup help - uprp - 16.08.2011

Nobody told me how to remove :
When i go over some pickups at random locations, it says


* house, type /enter to enter

Re: Pickup help - PhoenixB - 16.08.2011

public OnPlayerPickupPickup, search for the GameTextForPlayer that says * house, type /enter to enter and delete the entire line of GameTextForPlayer. Thats how you remove the text. My tutorial explains some aspects of that.

Respuesta: Pickup help - uprp - 16.08.2011

I did, but there is no search result.

Re: Pickup help - Libra_PL - 16.08.2011

Probably you have loaded gl_properties filterscript loaded - unload this.

Respuesta: Pickup help - uprp - 16.08.2011

Done & fixed, thanks.