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Audio play (loops) [Audio plugin] - Printable Version

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Audio play (loops) [Audio plugin] - Amine_Mejrhirrou - 16.08.2011

i have a small problem with Audio_Play funtion
i don't know how to stop the loops
any one can help me !
i would like to make the audio play loops 8 time then stop them

Re: Audio play (loops) [Audio plugin] - [MG]Dimi - 16.08.2011

PHP Code:
new AudioPlayed;
AudioPlayed == 8)
KillTimer or whatever you are using to repeat audio.
//play audio

Re : Audio play (loops) [Audio plugin] - Amine_Mejrhirrou - 16.08.2011

amm that's what i mad and don't work
i'm using a timer and a counter ! when the couter is on 60 the audio function is that
            for(new I = 0; I < MAX_PLAYERS; I++)
					Audio_Play(I, 23, false, true, false);
                    SetPlayerCheckpoint(I, 96.9595, 1920.3678, 17.0, 5.0);
					GameTextForPlayer(I,"~w~Run to ~r~the escort point~w~ before the explosion", 10000, 3);
and when the counter is on 100 that
            for(new I = 0; I < MAX_PLAYERS; I++)
					Audio_Stop(I, 23);
					SetPlayerCameraPos(I, 57.0130, 1904.2421, 29.7718);
					SetPlayerCameraLookAt(I, 57.8857, 1904.7380, 29.5418);

Re : Audio play (loops) [Audio plugin] - Amine_Mejrhirrou - 16.08.2011

so if i add somthing like
new X = 23 then
Audio_Play(I, X, false, true, false);
should work ?

- Amine_Mejrhirrou - 17.08.2011

thanks for helping me

works fine thank you again