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Simple maths (percentage) - Printable Version

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Simple maths (percentage) - MP2 - 15.08.2011

Okay it's 4AM so my brain is nowhere to be found. I have 2 variables; total_wins and my_wins. I want it to display to the player what percentage of wins are theirs. What maths do I need for this?

Re: Simple maths (percentage) - dowster - 15.08.2011

(my_wins / total_wins) = percentage

Re: Simple maths (percentage) - legodude - 15.08.2011

(my_wins / total_wins)*100 = percentage

that will get you a percentage.

Re: Simple maths (percentage) - TouR - 15.08.2011

pawn Код:
floatround((my_wins / total_wins)*100, floatround_round);
You can also use this to prevent percentage be a float

Re: Simple maths (percentage) - MP2 - 15.08.2011

When I do


it returns as 0...

Re: Simple maths (percentage) - Lorenc_ - 15.08.2011

Are the variable stored correctly/used correctly?

Re: Simple maths (percentage) - dowster - 15.08.2011

Try doing
(my_wins/total_wins*100) you may be getting errors having the *100 outside of the parenthesis, and also check what Lorenc_ said most likely it is the variables not being stored right.

Re: Simple maths (percentage) - MP2 - 16.08.2011

I changed them to floats and it worked >.>