CallRemoteFun... -
Alex_Obando - 11.08.2011
Hello, I have 2 scripts,
My IRC is added on my gamemode,
And I have my anti weapon hacks in other script, so Is there anyway I can use this:
Gamemode Example:
pawn Код:
new msg[128];
format(msg,sizeof(msg),"0,4Admin %s Banned Player %s for %s", sendername, giveplayername, reason);
IRC_GroupSay(IRC_Group, EchoChan, msg);
Is there anyway to use
pawn Код:
IRC_GroupSay(IRC_Group, EchoChan, msg);
In my other filterscript?
Respuesta: CallRemoteFun... -
Alex_Obando - 11.08.2011
Re: CallRemoteFun... -
MadeMan - 11.08.2011
IRC is a plugin and should be accessible from filterscripts too.
Respuesta: CallRemoteFun... -
Alex_Obando - 11.08.2011
Can I use CallRemoteFunction?
In fact I do have an IRC, its included in my gamemode, It works perfectly, But I have a filterscript, which I if the player hacks I want to send a message via IRC, So maybe using callremoteFunction?
Re: Respuesta: CallRemoteFun... -
MadeMan - 11.08.2011
Originally Posted by Alex_Obando
Can I use CallRemoteFunction?
Respuesta: CallRemoteFun... -
Alex_Obando - 11.08.2011
Can you show me how to fix it with this:
pawn Код:
IRC_GroupSay(IRC_Group, EchoChan, msg);
//Is this correct?:
CallRemoteFunction("IRC_GroupSay(IRC_Group, EchoChan);","isi",0xFF0000,string,1);
Re: CallRemoteFun... -
Calgon - 11.08.2011
You can use IRC_GroupSay, and I presume it will be faster for you to do so in filterscript, you do NOT have to use CallRemoteFunction.
In short:
You don't need to use CallRemoteFunction!
Furthermore, you need to look up the format for CallRemoteFunction, that's clearly not what the Wiki shows. Plus, you can only call public functions, so you would have to wrap the native in a public function and forward it, then you could use CallRemoteFunction.
pawn Код:
/* pointless because you can just use IRC_GroupSay in your filterscript WITHOUT CallRemoteFunction.... */
forward pub_IRC_GroupSay(group, echochan[], msg[]);
public pub_IRC_GroupSay(group, echochan[], msg[]) {
return IRC_GroupSay(group, echochan, msg);
// put THIS part in your filterscript \/
/* inside some form of scope, like your weapon hack ban part */
CallRemoteFunction("pub_IRC_GroupSay", "dss", 0xFF0000, s, string);
Respuesta: CallRemoteFun... -
Alex_Obando - 12.08.2011
pawn Код:
C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\Otros\CodSamp\codsamp_aw\filterscripts\AlexTest.pwn(23) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\Otros\CodSamp\codsamp_aw\filterscripts\AlexTest.pwn(24) : error 017: undefined symbol "IRC_GroupSay"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
2 Errors.
Re: CallRemoteFun... -
Calgon - 12.08.2011
Read my post properly.