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help me - Davz*|*Criss - 11.08.2011

hey guys i got this code:

pawn Код:
public Dday(playerid)
    for( new teams; teams < 23; teams++ )
        if( teams == gTeam[ playerid ] ) continue;
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
       SetPlayerTeam(i, 0);
       SetPlayerColor(i, 0xFF0000FF); // Red
       SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, 3);
       GivePlayerWeapon(i, 32, 200);
       GivePlayerWeapon(i, 26, 200);
       GameTextForPlayer(i,"You're ~r~Attacker. ~g~Go Attack them..",2000,3);
       SetPlayerPos(i, -143.5201,2462.7905,16.5642);
       SetPlayerTeam(i, 1);
       SetPlayerColor(i, 0x00FF00FF); // Green
       SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, 3);
       GivePlayerWeapon(i, 32, 200);
       GivePlayerWeapon(i, 26, 200);
       GameTextForPlayer(i,"You're ~g~Defender. ~g~Go Defend them..",2000,3);
       SetPlayerPos(i, -39.8148,2367.1724,23.9401);
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
    WarStarted[i] = 0;
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
    WarJoin[i] = 0;
    return 1;
oh yeah it works great.

And i have no errors.

and whenever i start war it puts me only one team - attacker team

actually i mean that it will put in attacker or defender team but it always put me in one team.

and problem with my code?

help me please.



Re: help me - Sascha - 11.08.2011

hm could you explain in a detailed way what you want to happen on this callback?
You are using incredibly many loops whereas 1 could cover them all..
Also could you show where the "WarJoin" player's variable is assigned to a value?

Re: help me - Vince - 11.08.2011

What's the purpose of the first loop that goes through all the teams? It doesn't do anything.

Re: help me - Davz*|*Criss - 11.08.2011

Alright, better than explaining is that come to my server ip is:


Re : help me - jasonnw666 - 11.08.2011

you want a random team?