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reflex test under onplayertext - Printable Version

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reflex test under onplayertext - Tigerkiller - 10.08.2011

hi guys.

how make this:

after a time it sends a rand msg with spec caracter 0-9 a-z A-Z дць and when he enter it sends player successfully typed bla an got 50000 cash

Re: reflex test under onplayertext - Tigerkiller - 11.08.2011

no one can help me ?
sorry for dumb

Re: reflex test under onplayertext - Tigerkiller - 31.08.2011


Re: reflex test under onplayertext - Pinguinn - 31.08.2011

Such filterscripts are released, search for them

Re: reflex test under onplayertext - Tigerkiller - 02.09.2011

i searched but i didnt find a good one

Respuesta: reflex test under onplayertext - Alex_Obando - 02.09.2011

What you mean?

Re: reflex test under onplayertext - Kingunit - 02.09.2011
