Roleplay Town -
corne - 10.08.2011
What town do you think is the best to roleplay in?
Re: Roleplay Town -
=WoR=Varth - 10.08.2011
Depend on the RP theme.
But I guess I'll vote for Montgomery.
Re: Roleplay Town -
corne - 10.08.2011
The roleplay year will be around 1983.
Re: Roleplay Town -
Henkie - 10.08.2011
Montgomery ofcourse
AW: Roleplay Town -
svaba - 10.08.2011
Fort Carson and Angel Pine
Re: Roleplay Town -
Danny - 10.08.2011
Fort Carson, but only if you extend it with maps.
Bayside is my second choice, it's just a very nice area. It's a shame the area is so little with a lack of possibilities like shops.
Re : Roleplay Town -
Soumi - 10.08.2011
I will say Montgomery and Palomino Creek together, there are Houses, Faction HQs (hospital for example), Shops(Restaurants, 24/7's etc...) and a little farm between those 2 towns where you can make a Farmer Job xD
Re: Roleplay Town -
Meinstad - 10.08.2011
Las Barrancas if you want it in 1983. Indians!
I also think you should map more in Las Barrancas
Re: Roleplay Town -
*matty* - 10.08.2011
bayside good
Re: Roleplay Town -
Abbott - 11.08.2011
Montgomery is a great place to roleplay, you have access to a sprunk machine, gas station, pizza stack. I used to roleplay a gunstore at the 'Locals Only' shopfront, it's great fun.