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Dialog problem[help] - Printable Version

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Help me pls - doreto - 07.08.2011

i need help wich OnPlayerCommandText and public OnDialogResponse and trying to make assist dialog but mess all stuff and merge so here my example

PHP код:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playeridcmdtext[])
    if (
strcmp("/assistance"cmdtexttrue10) == 0)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Assistance","Repair\nFlip and ect...","Call""Cansel");

so my question is how to make OnDialogResponse wich no mess and merge other commands

and i have one more question how to make like dialog example (Stuff>>Items>>Camera,phone and ect....)

Re: Dialog problem[help] - doreto - 07.08.2011

amm any help ?

Re: Dialog problem[help] - doreto - 07.08.2011


Re: Dialog problem[help] - doreto - 07.08.2011

31 Views and 0 Replies

Re: Dialog problem[help] - Tigerkiller - 07.08.2011

lol take a look in the totorial section