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need help - Printable Version

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need help - ServerRestart - 07.08.2011

How can i make a /mute [id] [minuites] [reason]

Then after the mins the player automaticly get unmuted

And if the player leave's and comes back the mute saves
Can someone help me with this? I'd appreciate it. Thx!

Re: need help - Shockey HD - 07.08.2011

I suggest you using sscanf, if you take some time you will learn this command. For a Mute command, your going to need, /mute, /unmute and you must make it so for OnPlayerText they cannot speak when there muted. I have a good but it doesn't have time. I could add time but maybe tomorrow.

Things that may help you.

If this didn't help i can explain more tomorrow

Re: need help - ServerRestart - 07.08.2011

Hmm, ok