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[FilterScript] Level, Exp, Payday system by Xaviour212 - Printable Version

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Level, Exp, Payday system by Xaviour212 - Xaviour212 - 06.08.2011

Introduction :
This is my Level, exp and payday system.
Every you kill a player, you got some a exp.
Max. level is 40.
Payday and Exp is depending on the your level.
In this script, I already make a example command.
Function :
- SetPlayerExp(playerid, exp)
- GivePlayerExp(playerid, exp)
- GetPlayerExp(playerid)
- SetPlayerLevel(playerid, level)
- GivePlayerLevel(playerid, level)
- GetPlayerLevel(playerid)
- Payday(playerid)
How to Install:
* First, Copy and paste the code
* Next, go to scriptfiles and create a folder with name "Users"
* Pastebin

Re: Level, Exp, Payday system by Xaviour212 - Naruto_Emilio - 06.08.2011

Seems good, i will try it later.

Re: Level, Exp, Payday system by Xaviour212 - FireCat - 06.08.2011


Re: Level, Exp, Payday system by Xaviour212 - graceda - 07.08.2011

Can i set max level?
(Gua bisa ganti max levelnya gak Om?)

Re: Level, Exp, Payday system by Xaviour212 - [HiC]TheKiller - 07.08.2011

It's a good idea but I REALLY recommend that you think about using something other than OnPlayerUpdate. Here are a few tips:

1. You're using a 256 cell string which isn't needed, max of 100 cells.
2. You're pretty much using dini_Int on OnPlayerUpdate which is called a lot if you are moving around.
3. I recommend that you save the information into a variable, not open and write into files constantly.

Re: Level, Exp, Payday system by Xaviour212 - Scenario - 07.08.2011

I agree with "[HiC]TheKiller," but I would recommend using a max of 128 cells for your strings, unless of course you absolutely need more. I get 128 because you can only send 128 cells in a single message to the "chat area."

Re: Level, Exp, Payday system by Xaviour212 - Horrible - 07.08.2011

Nice works 10,01/10 (LOL)
ini sama kyk di server IDGS y?

Re: Level, Exp, Payday system by Xaviour212 - hack4ever - 07.08.2011

Nice job Keep up the good work!

Re: Level, Exp, Payday system by Xaviour212 - [nL]W0rfleR - 07.08.2011


Re: Level, Exp, Payday system by Xaviour212 - graceda - 12.08.2011
