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[HELP] Kills and deaths - Printable Version

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[HELP] Kills and deaths - ServerRestart - 06.08.2011

EDIT: Fixed

Re: [HELP] Kills and deaths - ServerRestart - 06.08.2011

EDIT: Fixed

Re: [HELP] Kills and deaths - WoodPecker - 06.08.2011

Can you tell me what you are using? Dini, MySQL so i can help you.

Re: [HELP] Kills and deaths - ServerRestart - 06.08.2011

EDIT: Fixed

Re: [HELP] Kills and deaths - ServerRestart - 06.08.2011

EDIT: Fixed

Re: [HELP] Kills and deaths - WoodPecker - 06.08.2011

Can you upload your register / login filterscript or whatever it is on the so i can add it.

Re: [HELP] Kills and deaths - ServerRestart - 06.08.2011

Edit: fixed

Re: [HELP] Kills and deaths - Chrillzen - 06.08.2011

It already saves kills and deaths.

Add this to Public OnPlayerDeath()


Re: [HELP] Kills and deaths - WoodPecker - 06.08.2011

Add this to OnPlayerDeath:

PHP код:
PlayerInfo[killerid][pKills] += 1;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths] += 1
+rep for Chrillzen for the quick answer.