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OnVehicleDeath - Printable Version

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OnVehicleDeath - Laronic - 06.08.2011

I belive that 'OnVehicleDeath' only get called if a player is inside the vehicle who 'die'

Here is a video if whet i mean:

Re: OnVehicleDeath - Huxley - 07.08.2011

I saw this bug myself in his server.A caddy exploded but didn't respawned.I don't have idea how to fix,leaving this to someone.

Re: OnVehicleDeath - MadeMan - 07.08.2011

I think it will only be called if any player has been in it after it spawned.

Re: OnVehicleDeath - Huxley - 07.08.2011

Yeah,like he said,it only respawn if the vehicle was entered by someone.

Re: OnVehicleDeath - Laronic - 07.08.2011

Originally Posted by MadeMan
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I think it will only be called if any player has been in it after it spawned.
I also tried that, i entred the vehicle and drove few meters, then i exited and set the health to 100, but it still didnt get called ((I'm not sure, i gonna test it now again))
Maybe someone have other thoughts?

MadeMan is right

Sets vehicle health to 0 ((Right after it has spawned and no players has entered it)): Not called
Sets vehicle health to 0 ((after someone has entered the vehicle)): Called