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Thomson TG585 V7. - Printable Version

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Thomson TG585 V7. - WoodPecker - 06.08.2011

Hello everyone,

Can anyone help me to port forward on thomson TG585 v7? i tried many programs but still cant port forward it.

Re: Thomson TG585 V7. - PhoenixB - 06.08.2011

You dont need programmes to portforward, access your router on your internet browser login as an administrator and portforward your IPv4 address, if you still cant find your router on and follow the tutorial, If you need any more help, PM me

Re: Thomson TG585 V7. - WoodPecker - 06.08.2011

Well PhoenixB the thing is that i already tried everything and it wont work, i used 100 tutorials but still cant port forward, if you have teamviewer i will PM you now so you can help me.

Re: Thomson TG585 V7. - PhoenixB - 06.08.2011

Sure thing mate, I do have teamviewer and will help you no worries