Erm? lol? Can you explain more ? try explain using real words for the chat. i might be able to help you
Hey does some1 have chat FS or something like if i write
"Saaf says : afasfghiasdrogsdfuigasdfdklfsdgasdgjh" and if the FS is on then i can write unlimited words "Saaf says : awrfasiofafuiwfahjfywfio0ьasfgysaegiьygasdgkasdlga shyeouigasdhigilцseghaoisdgaylцsekgaheoitghselguya siьoegejhsioьesetьstjseriojhsertioasejtioawetiwetu iьgirtysdryeriyttioartiatiosdrioptiopsertopjdfjopt gjopastjop" Lol :P I kno my english is like shiiiii |
Text I/O 128 cells/characters (512 bytes)
Note the 'text I/O' value - that is for the text that is sent to the client, and that is used on OnPlayerCommandText. Quote From: |
//On top of your script:
#define FINAL_DOTS
//somewhere outside functions:
stock sendLongMessage( playerid , color , message[] )
new len = strlen(message),
if( ( len % MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE ) ) _iL++;
new _Line[MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE + 5];
new _:_i@Index;
while( _i@Index < _iL )
if( _i@Index == 0 )
strmid( _Line, message, ( _i@Index * MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE ), ( _i@Index * MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE ) + MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE );
strmid( _Line, message, ( _i@Index * MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE ), ( _i@Index * MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE ) + MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE );
#if defined FINAL_DOTS
if( _iL > 1 )
if( _i@Index == 0 )
format( _Line, sizeof _Line, "%s ...", _Line );
else if( _i@Index > 0 && ( _i@Index + 1 ) < _iL )
format( _Line, sizeof _Line, "... %s ...", _Line );
format( _Line, sizeof _Line, "... %s", _Line );
SendClientMessage( playerid, color, _Line );
return 1;
//Credits to Miki