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CMD /admins in dialog - Printable Version

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CMD /admins in dialog - ylleron - 04.08.2011


I make command /admins, which show player who admins are online. But i have problem in game it show only one line and i don't know how to show all connected admins (ex. 2admins = 2 line).

    #pragma unused help
    #pragma unused params

    // Check if is any Admins online and if is 0 that start this public
	if(AdminsOnline() == 0) return SendMessage(playerid, C_RED, "-error- On the server isn't any admin", "-chyba- Na serveri nieje ziadny Admin");

	// Make string for message
    new str1[180], str[180];

    // And look all players
	loop(i, MAX_PLAYERS)
		if (AdminsOnline() > 0)
		    format(str, sizeof(str), ""TC_RED"%s "TC_WHITE"(Level: %d)\n", GetName(i), GetLevel(i));
		    return Dialog(playerid, D_BASIC, BOX, "Admins online", "No admins online", "OK", "");
	format(str1, sizeof(str1), "%s", str);
	return Dialog(playerid, D_BASIC, BOX, "Admins online", str1, "OK", "");

Re: CMD /admins in dialog - Scarred - 04.08.2011

Use strcat.

Re: CMD /admins in dialog - ylleron - 04.08.2011

yes, ok

Re: CMD /admins in dialog - Patchwerk - 14.08.2011

loop(i, MAX_PLAYERS)
if (GetLevel(i) > 0)
format(str, sizeof(str), ""TC_RED"%s "TC_WHITE"(Level: %d)\n", GetName(i), GetLevel(i));
