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Scrapcar cmd - Printable Version

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Scrapcar cmd - Azzeto - 03.08.2011

How can I make a /scrapcar command so the player drives the vehicle to the checkpoint and gets a random amount of materials through 100-200

INFO: With Vortex RP OLD script

Re: Scrapcar cmd - Guest3598475934857938411 - 03.08.2011

Something like this:

Next time search before posting please.

Re: Scrapcar cmd - Azzeto - 03.08.2011

I know the forums rules, I searched, so please dont tell me to search before posting.

Re: Scrapcar cmd - Guest3598475934857938411 - 03.08.2011

Um then how the hell I found it? Searching FTW.


Woot exact title, you haven't searched for god sake.

Re: Scrapcar cmd - Azzeto - 03.08.2011

Uhm I have searched, thats for STRCMP or w/e, I need it for Zcmd(VortexRP)

EDIT: If your going to help with an attitude then dont help at all, thanks.

Re: Scrapcar cmd - dottdogg - 03.08.2011

I don't know how vortexRP looks like so you'll probably need to adjust some of this to work with it. This is just a small example and you can probably do a more efficient way of doing it.

CMD:scrapcar(playerid, params[])
new string[128];
if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You are not inside a vehicle.");
else if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, DEFINE LOCATION CO-ORDINATES HERE!!!!)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You are not at the scrap car location.");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pMaterials] + DEFINE AMOUNT HERE;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have chopped your car up and received DEFINE AMOUNT HERE materials.");
} // End Else Statement
return 1;
} // Close Command