Multiple servers on same pc -
EleMenTalL - 03.08.2011
I have a problem...
I'm using
OGP (open game panel) to start my Sa:Mp servers on a dedicated linux host. (Not home etc)
The problem is this...i have 2 ips on same machine, when i start server 1 on xx.xx.xx.1:7777 it's run, no problem anything, but when i start server 2 on xx.xx.xx.2:7777 it overwrite the connection from server 1 and it doesn't matter what ip i user xx.xx.xx.1 or 2 the server run on both ips and the first vanish..
Question: How can i run 2 sa:mp servers on same machine with 2 diferent ips?
I use CentOs x86_x64
Re: Multiple servers on same pc -
EleMenTalL - 10.08.2011
no one know?
Re: Multiple servers on same pc -
linuxthefish - 10.08.2011
You need to use bind in the server config.
Re: Multiple servers on same pc -
mprofitt - 11.08.2011
i would us a differnet port as well
Re: Multiple servers on same pc -
Spectre - 11.08.2011
What mprofitt said...
I always have two servers running, the primary on 7777 and my test server on 7778...
Once something works flawlessly on the test server then I move it over as the primary...
Re: Multiple servers on same pc -
Tee - 12.08.2011
Use different ports and what is the name of the host?
Re: Multiple servers on same pc -
Collin - 12.08.2011
You need to have different ports for each server, using the same port "7777" will successfully fail for you, if you want to run 2 servers, use ports "7777 and 7778", if you are able to
Re: Multiple servers on same pc -
EleMenTalL - 04.10.2011
Originally Posted by Collin
You need to have different ports for each server, using the same port "7777" will successfully fail for you, if you want to run 2 servers, use ports "7777 and 7778", if you are able to
But i want to host 2 servers on 7777, this is the reason why i have 2 ip`s... ffs
if i wanted to use 7778 i woudn`t get a second ip adress
Re: Multiple servers on same pc -
$India$ - 04.10.2011
Use 2 Different Ports, like.
7784 Any.
Re: Multiple servers on same pc -
EleMenTalL - 04.10.2011
Originally Posted by $India$
Use 2 Different Ports, like.
7784 Any.
Do you know to read?
I HAVE 2 IPs !!!
I want to use and
Not and ffs...