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The Next GTA In SA? - Robert_Crawford - 02.08.2011

Hey guys i was watching the GTA IV Television (Was Extremely Bored) and the TMT Commercial showed SA. It also showed air fair prices. It also showed the gta IV cars redone and the GTA SA Graphics Redone. Which Means They Already Started On It.

Also we are supposed to hear something august 4th

Re: The Next GTA In SA? - Donya - 02.08.2011

Yes.. omg you are very lated...

The next GTA (V) will be based in Los Santos, not so sure about the entire SA though.

Re: The Next GTA In SA? - Shockey HD - 02.08.2011

Originally Posted by Robert_Crawford
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Hey guys i was watching the GTA IV Television (Was Extremely Bored) and the TMT Commercial showed SA. It also showed air fair prices. It also showed the gta IV cars redone and the GTA SA Graphics Redone. Which Means They Already Started On It.

Also we are supposed to hear something august 4th
Sounds good, Can you tell me what the GTA IV television is?

Re: The Next GTA In SA? - a_big - 02.08.2011

GTA 4 era is a different universe from the GTA 3 era and Los Santos is in the GTA 3 era so the chances are slim to none.

Re: The Next GTA In SA? - Donya - 02.08.2011

Originally Posted by a_big
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GTA 4 era is a different universe from the GTA 3 era and Los Santos is in the GTA 3 era so the chances are slim to none.
Rockstar has bought some "websites" relating to los santos and the internet like thing from GTA IV they have also put secret "Easter Eggs" in GTA IV explaining the surroundings about Los Santos.

Its not just the television, It's billboards, music, and your surroundings.

Re: The Next GTA In SA? - Skaizo - 02.08.2011

Gta v is more gb but I do not fit

Re: The Next GTA In SA? - MaDK1LLA - 02.08.2011

So if the next GTA is in SA then you know for sure that they are saving the best untill last :P Vice City

Re: The Next GTA In SA? - saiberfun - 02.08.2011

I recently also saw a apot of the school where R*'s game bully played.

So GTA V will play there?
Guess not...

Yes I'd love to have project "frozen"(as it probably gets called by rockstar as long as it isn't public yet) to play in SA or atleast LS, but these easter eggs aren't any specific hints.

Another thing which I'd think of more as a hint is the ticket for Niko for SA..
Yet that doesn't have to mean you'll find him in GTA V in SA.
That could also mean that he's in GTA 7 in SA or something like that.

Re: The Next GTA In SA? - Hudgens - 02.08.2011

Donya how do you know that? Any official announcement please? Vice City as the next GTA , OMFG jizz, but SA would be cool as hell too.

Tbh, I don't really like GTA 3 and GTA IV, well, I like GTA IV due to all the new content and stuff like that. But, I just don't like liberty city.

Re: The Next GTA In SA? - saiberfun - 02.08.2011

Originally Posted by Hudgens
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Tbh, I don't really like GTA 3 and GTA IV, well, I like GTA IV due to all the new content and stuff like that. But, I just don't like liberty city.
gta originally takes place in liberty city... ^^