function heading differs from prototype -
Snowman12 - 31.07.2011
error 025: function heading differs from prototype
i know what this means it means the thing is forwarded wrong what im going to show you now however i need t=to edit it to keep these values
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[], name[],value[])
Ok thats the dialog responce as you can see ive added
how can i keep these but loose the error
Re: function heading differs from prototype -
MadeMan - 31.07.2011
You can't add parameters there.
Re: function heading differs from prototype -
Snowman12 - 31.07.2011
OK so os it ok if i make a Public header and then link it to dialog responce will that work?
Re: function heading differs from prototype -
Toreno - 31.07.2011
You can't add parameters to an exist callback, but what you actually can do is creating a callback of your own with an include, using CallLocalFunction. However, you need to have a bit more knowledge, download few includes such as OnPlayerShootPlayer, OnEmptyVehicleShoot, etc.
Then look inside and get a basic knowledge how that works.
Re: function heading differs from prototype -
Snowman12 - 31.07.2011
Im not using Parse Files to load through the dialog or having a try as i think that might work
Re: function heading differs from prototype -
Famalamalam - 31.07.2011
You can't alter native functions.
Re: function heading differs from prototype -
Toreno - 31.07.2011
Make your own callback and forward it, what does this call back should do?
Re: function heading differs from prototype -
Snowman12 - 31.07.2011
Right ive made a Parse File because im using Y_INI and now ive tryed it it works thanks for you help by the way
Re: function heading differs from prototype -
Toreno - 31.07.2011
No problem, glad to help, although, I don't know how... -.-