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[Discussion] Using a mouse wheel as scrolling textdraw? - Printable Version

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[Discussion] Using a mouse wheel as scrolling textdraw? - dowster - 31.07.2011

So i was thinking earlier that if you gave a player two guns, and on every update you checked which gun they are on now, and which one they were last on. Doing this you can tell if a player was scrolling up or down, and could use this data to scroll up or down on a textdraw, for an In-game phone or an in-game internet system? Comments appreciated, i mean after all this is a discussion forum here isn't it?

Re: [Discussion] Using a mouse wheel as scrolling textdraw? - [HiC]TheKiller - 31.07.2011

They could have also pressed 'q' or 'e' which are also default change weapon keys. Also, if they have 2 weapons you would be unable to tell which way they scrolled.

Re: [Discussion] Using a mouse wheel as scrolling textdraw? - dowster - 31.07.2011

Originally Posted by [HiC]TheKiller
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They could have also pressed 'q' or 'e' which are also default change weapon keys. Also, if they have 2 weapons you would be unable to tell which way they scrolled.
I had originally thought that too, but then i realized the fist is always there, that or the brass knuckles :P