OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt -
Basicz - 31.07.2011
Hi, I'm releasing my first include, it's named " OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt "
This is simple, and self explained.
It's a callback, these are the parameters
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt( playerid, password[ ], success )
playerid = the playerID
password = the password that is entered
success = if success, it returns 1 and if failed it returns 0
- What's the requirements
You only need foreach ( Optional though, you can still use the include without foreach ).
- Okay, where is the code?
Here :
pawn Код:
[ INC ] OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt
#tryinclude < foreach >
#if defined _OPRLA_included
#define _OPRLA_included
forward OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt( playerid, password[ ], success );
public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
szIP[ 16 ]
GetPlayerIp( playerid, szIP, 16 );
SetPVarString( playerid, "PVar_IP", szIP );
CallLocalFunction( "my_OnPlayerConnect", "i", playerid );
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#undef OnPlayerConnect
#define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#define OnPlayerConnect my_OnPlayerConnect
forward my_OnPlayerConnect( playerid );
public OnRconLoginAttempt( ip[ ], password[ ], success )
#if defined _foreach_included
foreach (Player, i)
szIP[ 16 ]
GetPVarString( i, "PVar_IP", szIP, 16 );
if ( !strcmp( ip, szIP, false ) && strlen( ip ) == strlen( szIP ) )
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt", "isi", i, password, success );
for ( new j = GetMaxPlayers( ), i; i < j; i ++ )
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( i ) )
szIP[ 16 ]
GetPVarString( i, "PVar_IP", szIP, 16 );
if ( !strcmp( ip, szIP, false ) && strlen( ip ) == strlen( szIP ) )
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt", "isi", i, password, success );
CallLocalFunction( "my_OnRconLoginAttempt", "ssi", ip, password, success );
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnRconLoginAttempt
#undef OnRconLoginAttempt
#define _ALS_OnRconLoginAttempt
#define OnRconLoginAttempt my_OnRconLoginAttempt
forward my_OnRconLoginAttempt( ip[ ], password[ ], success );
public OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt( playerid, password[ ], success )
CallLocalFunction( "my_OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt", "isi", playerid, password, success );
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt
#undef OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt
#define _ALS_OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt
#define OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt my_OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt
forward my_OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt( playerid, password[ ], success );
( Sorry for the crappy indentation, because when I copy it it happens like that. )
- It is tested?
I have tested it with
pawn Код:
#include < a_samp >
#include < OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt >
public OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt( playerid, password[ ], success )
if ( success )
printf( "%s has logged in as RCON with the password %s", getName( playerid ), password );
else if ( !success )
printf( "%s has failed to log in as RCON with the password %s", getName( playerid ), password );
return 1;
stock getName( playerid ) { new pName[ 24 ]; GetPlayerName( playerid, pName, sizeof pName ); return pName; }
With 2 players ( me and my brother ), it works. ( Not only for ID 0 )
- How to install ?
Simply save the script as "OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt.inc" at your "sampserv/pawno/includes", and add this
pawn Код:
#include < OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt >
AFTER a_samp.
I hope this include can be useful for some peoples.
Regards, Basicz.
Re: OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt -
Horrible - 31.07.2011
nice man......
Re: OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt -
Kitten - 31.07.2011
two words , FUCKIN AWESOME
im 100% sure im going to use this.
Re: OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt -
[IZ]Kira - 31.07.2011
Nice .... man is them useful 10/10
Re: OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt -
steki. - 31.07.2011
Very good.
Re: OnPlayerRconLoginAttempt -
Lorenc_ - 31.07.2011
I'm going to have to use it, generally when it comes to things like this (minor things for my server) I cannot be bothered. Thanks alot mate.