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[Tutorial] SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - Printable Version

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SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - GangsTa_ - 28.07.2011


Alright, many of you been asking how to make a silenced pistol tazer for RP servers. I'll give you out an example using OnPlayerShootPlayer callback by wups. I just had nothing to do, made this script for my own upcoming server, and decided to share it with others. This is a bit like the LS:RP tazer script, just like the same.
Let's get it started already!


As I've stated above, you'll need OnPlayerShootPlayer callback made by wups. You can download it here:

All credits are going to WUPS who made this callback. Let's download it and put it in pawno/include folder. There's only a pastebin version, so edit a .inc file and copy & paste the pastebin content to the .inc file. I suggest you to name the file 'OPSP'.

So, you made it. Let's move to the next step.


Alright, so we put the include into the pawno/include directory. After we're done with this, open your gamemode, and add the following line to the top of your gamemode!

pawn Код:
#include <OPSP>

This is the .inc file which we put into the include folder and we will need this for the tazer system.


Add the OnPlayerShootPlayer callback somewhere into your script...

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)
    return 1;


Okay, if you'd like to make the tazer working only for a specific team, for example 'TEAM_COPS', then we'll make it only for cops.

Add the following line under OnPlayerShootPlayer.

pawn Код:
if(gTeam[Shooter] == TEAM_COPS)

It should look like:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)
    if(gTeam[Shooter] == TEAM_COPS)
    return 1;


Ok, we're making it only for the cops team.

Now we need to make it only for the silenced pistol, so add the following line after the gTeam 'if':

pawn Код:
if(GetPlayerWeapon(Shooter) == 23)

Should look like this:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)
    if(gTeam[Shooter] == TEAM_COPS)
        if(GetPlayerWeapon(Shooter) == 23)
    return 1;


Ok, we're starting the script now. Now we'll force the player to use an animation when getting tazed, then the player will get frozen.

pawn Код:
TogglePlayerControllable(Target, false);


Now we're making the timer and the variable.

The variable:

At the top of your script:

pawn Код:
new pTazed[MAX_PLAYERS];

Under OnPlayerConnect:

pawn Код:
pTazed[playerid] = 0;


The timer is easy, just do the following:

At the top of the script:

pawn Код:
forward Tazed(playerid);

Somewhere in the script:

pawn Код:
public Tazed(playerid)
      pTazed[playerid] = 0;
      TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, true);
      return 1;


Let's go back to OPSP.


When the player gets tazed we'll set the variable to TRUE and start the timer, with sending an advising message:

pawn Код:
pTazed[Target] = 1;
SetTimerEx("Tazed", 10000, 0, "d", Target);
SendClientMessage(Target, 0xFF0000FF, "You've been tazed for 10 seconds!");

Overall OPSP callback:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)
    if(gTeam[Shooter] == TEAM_COPS)
        if(GetPlayerWeapon(Shooter) == 23)
            TogglePlayerControllable(Target, false);
            pTazed[Target] = 1;
            SetTimerEx("Tazed", 10000, 0, "d", Target);
            SendClientMessage(Target, 0xFF0000FF, "You've been tazed for 10 seconds!");
    return 1;

The system is done, but let's not forget about grabbing the SD...


Add the following variable to your top of the script:

pawn Код:
new pTazer[MAX_PLAYERS];

Under OnPlayerConnect (So the variable will be set as FALSE):

pawn Код:
pTazer[playerid] = 0;

STEP 10:

Tazer command:

pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/tazer", true) ==0 || strcmp(cmd, "/ta", true) ==0)
// We make it again for TEAM_COPS
    if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_COPS) // For cops
        if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) // Checks if the player is in a vehicle.
            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You can't use this command while in a car!");
            return 1;
        if(pTazer[playerid] == 0) // If the player has no tazer withdrawn.
            GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 23, 20); // Gives a SD.
            pTazer[playerid] = 1; // Sets the var to true.
            return 1;
        else if(pTazer[playerid == 1) // If the player has the tazer withdrawn to holster it.
            GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 100); // Gives a deagle.
            pTazer[playerid] = 0; // Sets the var to false.
            return 1;
    }// Not a cop.
    return 1;

* Everything commented above.

Well, I guess it should be done!

Have fun, more than 50% of credits are going to wups for his awesome OPSP function.

- I'm sorry if I didn't make it with more BBCodes, organized and so on, I was in hurry because it's night and I'm tired...

Kindest regards,

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - Kaperstone - 28.07.2011

very useful for me..
i will use it...

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - GangsTa_ - 28.07.2011

Thanks. Good luck.

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - Mikkel_Pedersen - 28.07.2011

pawn Код:
SetTimer("Tazed", 10000, 0);
It should be:
pawn Код:
SetTimerEx("Tazed", 10000, 0, "d", Target);
Because your "Tazed" function needs the 'playerid' parameter.

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - GangsTa_ - 28.07.2011

Maybe, I'll fix tomorrow, I'm off.

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - wups - 28.07.2011

As far as i know, the animation will disappear(like ClearAnimations) if you're being freezed after ApplyAnimation.

Nice tutorial though.

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - Guest3598475934857938411 - 29.07.2011

Nice tutorial, colourful But really nice use of wups OPSP.

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - Kitten - 29.07.2011

nice tut , very great for newbies.

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - GangsTa_ - 29.07.2011

Originally Posted by wups
Посмотреть сообщение
As far as i know, the animation will disappear(like ClearAnimations) if you're being freezed after ApplyAnimation.

Nice tutorial though.
Hmm, I didn't test it with the crack anim, but it should work after being freezed not before it.

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - GangsTa_ - 29.07.2011

Ok last code fixed.

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - Juicy_J - 30.07.2011

Nice tut

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - seanny - 30.07.2011

Awesome Tutorial, No Errors at All!

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - GangsTa_ - 02.08.2011


Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - MarkoniGHS - 21.10.2011

You are the best !!!!!!

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - GangsTa_ - 21.10.2011

No problem.

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - JaKe Elite - 10.06.2012

Gonna use it for sure , Sorry for bumping 1 year old topic

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - JhnzRep - 10.06.2012

Wups include is no longer needed OnPlayerGiveDamage(blahblah)


OnPlayerTakeDamage(blah blah)

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - JaKe Elite - 10.06.2012

I will try your method JhnzRep once I'm in my pc I'm current in mobile every morning I always use mobile and in afternoon I use my PC

Re: SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - JhnzRep - 10.06.2012

All right, but only use one of the functions, do not try combining them somehow together, as they do not match up(due to lag).

Re : SD Pistol Tazer using OnPlayerShootPlayer - Alvin007 - 11.06.2012

How to make the TEAM_COPS? If we're using factions..?